Myth "Fulfillment": The Unfair Pass

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HearYourPlayers, Jan 31, 2020.

  1. I submitted a ticket and they said "the pass is working" and basically dismissed again. They think we would be stupid and believe it, when we all know what we have done and that we should have been rewarded. All I wanted was the avatar. Would it really hurt them so much to just be f*cking fair and honest and give it to us? I don't even care about the rest of the rewards at this point. I'm just frustrated that I spend money, time and effort into something that led to nothing due to the incompetence of a team of developers that doesn't want to admit a mistake. I have tried to explain, I have offered possible solutions, I have asked for maybe an extension of the restarted pomegranate and I would have bought it (even if it was unfair) in order to get my avatar. But nothing. They would rather be seen as a scam.
    Karmacita, HearYourPlayers and -BB like this.
  2. ATA won't even talk to me anymore. Lol They know there is an issue and just can't own up to it. It happens. This behaviour is just gross.
  3. Man, I can’t believe so many of us are having issues, but I guess it should’ve been expected.

    The reactions we are getting in response to our issues from ATA is honestly a complete joke. I mirrored my choices to match the forums AND those who received the Avis successfully.. How in the world does that equal not having enough gems? If we could get ANY proper response at all, maybe it would be okay. Maybe there is an issue of some responses don’t always match or some crazy bs, who knows.. But this is absolutely ridiculous and, honestly, kind of disgusting.

    So many of us spent money, in game materials, time, etc. on this pass specifically and in the game in general.. Yet they respond to us, their customers, with copy and pasted bull.

    I’m beyond disappointed.
  4. @AdalineRose
  5. The fact that some players had different results on their alts despite doing the same path, and that people got conflicting answers from ATA regarding the cash choice... Obviously faulty passes or a bug or some mistake on their end, idek. Why not address it with an apology and just let people have the rewards they worked for? Many of these people bought credits not only for the pass, but also for the cats and bought doctor notes to flash and finish the story in time. Effort and time was spent. On other threads here, I saw people saying they lost sleep, stayed up flashing, did everything they could to get their desired ending. But ATA can't show the smallest bit of respect to these players? No rewards, no explanations.

    Letting this go and forgetting about it, will make it seem like ATA can keep doing this, avoid owning up to their mistakes and pulling out deceiving cash grabs like this. Again: bad reviews and making noise can go a long way. If they won't reward anyone, at the very least give us a proper response.
    xX_DayDreamz_Xx, Quantum and -BB like this.
  6. Absolutely. UntiI I get a reasonable response beyond a copy and pasted reply, I'll continue to keep this discussion going.

    At the end of the day, ATA wants money and we are willing to give it. But nobody will want to if they are being lied to, cheated, and scammed by them.

    ATA won't stop hearing about it from me until it is resolved.:)
  7. I don't have the patience to read every reply in this thread, but I'm going to tell you my experience in hopes that it will support the community.

    I did the cash story pass, bought the VIP pass, played through the whole story like everyone else. I chose the "correct" answers (pretty easy for the most part, but consulted Muschi's thread a couple times just in case) and got the "true ending" on the first try for both masc and fem passes.


    The passes glitched at the end. I had to close/refresh the app multiple times for it to let me choose the "true ending" after I knew I had enough "trust" to do so. One pass I had to refresh for 30-40 minutes or so. The other one took most of a day of me revisiting the app and checking if it would allow me to pick the right ending. I wasn't about to spend another 19 (or 38) EC to restart the pass, especially with the absolute trash drops from the Tarot story which prevented me from finishing the story. (As part of a club that finishes parties, I should not have had an issue with drop rates for the Tarot story and I'm still very pissed about it)

    So ultimately, I got the prizes from the story but only because I had the diligence to refresh 48593992 times to get it.
  8. That was my initial report to ATA that my game had glitched and it auto completed the story line without giving me choices and they told me to just get the restart with a couple days left. So I honestly don't know if I got the avatar or not and ATA has provided no assistance to it. I'm glad you go your avatars and that you shared the glitch that was encountered!
    HearYourPlayers, Disaster and Quantum like this.
  9. Auto completed the final choice of ending the story or finishing the true story, not any of the choices for the story line itself.
  10. I have no idea if this could influence results, I haven't completed the passes myself due to lack of time (I bought the passes way too late, stupid me) but could it be that, when requested to complete a series of tasks like "use 15 DN OR level up an animal 9 times" HOW you pass the task influences the results? Like, maybe if you level up the animal you get more trust than by using 15 dns? It's stupid, but it's the only possibility that cames to my mind while reading what happened to all of you 🤷🏼‍♂️ Because if you all gave the same answers from the start, then by all logic it should have given you all the same result, as in the true ending. But if the way you pass the tasks also influences the results, along with the answer you give, the it could maybe make a little more sense. It would still be a bummer and it would have definitely been nice to know from the start, tho, if it were the case.
    (Or maybe I'm just stupid and it's stated and I missed it 🙈 in that case, ignore my totally unhelpful post, ty bye)
  11. Ugh. I refreshed the app, cleared cache, did everything possible over 5 times in a row when I got 70k drops, and it still told me I didn't have enough trust, but reading this I wish I had tried again later like you did. Maybe mine was glitched too. :(
  12. At the beginning I had same problem too! I had chosen the right answers but it told I couldn't choose "True Ending".
    I had to force close the app, restart my phone and restart the game again to get the gems!
  13. I saw a lot of people have problems with the story pass this time.

    I personally stopped buying it once they put a time limit on it since I knew that I’m a bit lazy and wouldn’t finish in time 😂

    Hopefully though some of these comments will be taken into consideration for next story pass.
    HearYourPlayers and -BB like this.
  14. I had hope ATA would do the right thing, but it is feeling like they won't... Definitely never putting any more money into ATA.
  15. Ughhh I feel ur pain, mines the same thing! I didnt make any choices even for the cash portion without checking forum. I dont understand why we didnt receive the true ending :,(
    HearYourPlayers and Disaster like this.
  16. Because ATA wanted to ensure some restart purchases. Lolololol
    HearYourPlayers likes this.
  17. Thats what it looks like because my alt received true ending. I did same exact choices here yet I didn’t receive it.
    HearYourPlayers, -BB and Disaster like this.
  18. It’s honestly gross that simply restarting some random amount of times and restarting your phone could get you magically appearing gems. So much for TRUE endings.
  19. And they told me the pass was working perfectly fine. Lol. Miss me with that bull.

    I truly wish they would look at this thread.
    HearYourPlayers, -BB and Quantum like this.