All new players add me ill teach you the game trade with you invest money to help you grow in size ect so follow me and ask away
Hello I just joined the app, how do I grow and crush all that oppose me? I would like to have brad shine my shoes, ya feel?
Thats why people always in campus asking how this works how that works whats this whats that why do trolls have to come here this is why i dont use flipping forums
U can troll all u like but alough nobody apart from u trolls and the nice person who said good luck have commented atlease 4 new people have cotacted me and recived help so its all good
I added a tiny joke and then complimented your intentions on helping new users. If telling someone to “get a life” is how you handle in game convos I worry for the new users who decide to repeat the same actions and get they arse farmed three ways backward. Laugh a little, live a little more. Side note: I’m buying a life 3T bentos for best offer