Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by G00DNESS, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. Hi Friends,

    So have any of you met irl? If so, how did it go? Share your story! 😂

    I know a couple of people that have met and are extremely close till this day.

    Can’t wait to hear your stories ♥️
    Juma and ThePhoenix2HisSloth like this.
  2. I haven't
    pesos likes this.
  3. Do you plan?
    pesos likes this.
  4. I don't have any concrete plans to visit someone, but I do have someone that I would like to eventually meet up with yeah.
    pesos and G00DNESS like this.
  5. One day I'll go visit my PIMD bestie and meet her IRL.

    That's weird for me, because she's literally the only person I've ever met online that I'd go see in person. Never would've thought I'd make such a good friend on an app like PIMD. 🙆🏻‍♀️😂
  6. I have not. Would be cool but everyone is so far
    Sarenrae, pesos, Juma and 3 others like this.
  7. I was supposed to meet my future husband. We knew eachother for 4 years on this game. He legit was about to fly to me. Unfortunately my situation irl wasn’t great, and I wasn’t ready to see him. (Drama)

    Then I find out he met someone else irl on here 🙃 Kissed eachother and who knows what else they did and idc.

    So ya
  8. Met my rs here in Aug 2019, we talked and started dating. Flew to meet him (we are international ldr) 3 weeks ago and it was the best 9 days ever. Was slightly weird first hour or so, but he was just.. him? Like he was the same person he been all this time and I felt safe and loved with him. Saying bye really sucked, but we'll see each other soon ❤
    ariel225, Belle, Hag and 7 others like this.
  9. So adorabl❤️
  10. I met my bf/vp of my club @BlazinStarHasFallinForPhoenix . Hes been up to see me 5-6 times in the last 4 months. He plans on moving closer to me soon 🙈
    Sarenrae, pesos, Juma and 1 other person like this.
  11. I haven't but true I saw some people meeting in real life and that's so awesome!
    Juma likes this.
  12. Where’s that thread @Wednesday made that’s about the dangers of meeting people irl
    pesos, Juma and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  13. I havent yet but I really want to!

    If you're in Virginia hmu!
    pesos likes this.
  14. I actually have!

    One of my good friends who was previously my pupil and RS.

    She lives a few hours away from me, but was in my area visiting for a convention. We met with another friend for KBBQ and ice cream 😊 It was pretty cool getting to hang out with someone I had known for a while online.
    Rizky, Sarenrae, Kefo and 3 others like this.
  15. Nope, no one here lives near me. There's maybe two people I would consider meeting if for some reason we were nearby but I have no plans. I had one fren I had intended to meet but things got in the way and it didn't happen
    pesos likes this.
  16. Girl, lemme drive 12(?) hours to see yo cute face 😄
  17. Pop by during reading week and I'll buy us snacks
    Juma and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  18. I’ve never really had someone I’d wanna meet in person from here, except for my rs who I was a few towns away last month (we live opposite ends of the country) but that’s the closest I’ve come and I’m fine by that
  19. Sold 😄🍿
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  20. No ty
    -Stella-5 likes this.