Story Pass Timer

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IAMtheLostPotato, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. Honestly with people paying real money to specifically get a story pass maybe not having a time limit to finish it? It seems really unfair to make it that you have to pay real money to get the pass and also buy cats to get into cat clubs to have a chance of finishing it im time if you dont have the time to play the game all the time.

    And as much as I want to just ask Ata to change it I doubt they will so here are my suggestions on how to fix it.

    0) Just make parties you pay ecs for unlimited on time? Even though I doubt they’ll do it, still an option.

    1) Add an item that costs ec that makes the party permanent. Since we’re already paying 99-149ec on the party itself I don’t think it should cost more than 49-51ec.

    2) Make the parties cost slightly more? Like 49ec max?

    My only fear in asking for this is that Ata will make the rewards worse cause they know everyone would get them but honestly I think that doing this would mean more people would buy and then they’d be making more money but idk 🤷🏼‍♀️
  2. What do you mean by making the party permanent?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. Parties are not the problem but ok
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth and Sanguine like this.
  4. I thought this thread would address the short times to complete the story passes but no, the parties aren't the problem the problem is what was stated in the title. I'm just confused.
    -BB, LeeJarrett, Maddi_Matsu and 2 others like this.
  5. Tbh I didn't have issues finishing on either acct. And before u say "but u own a cc", my alt finished with plenty of time to spare was in a potd club. Just be active and find a better POTD club with faster parties. You don't need to be in a cc.
  6. And I'm sure Ata puts a time limit on them to NOT conflict with future story passes.
    Carrie likes this.
  7. I'm a little lost with the wording here, but if you're talking about the Myth Fulfillment story pass, wasn't that like... Two months to complete? I didn't participate on the VIP pass but I initially thought it would be enough time.
    It's like 70k drops for the last tier, not counting the puppy and gems drop. Sure, it's a lot but if you party consistently it is quite possible.
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  8. I think most people got stuck because they’re either in bad clubs or simply got stuck on the puppy/gem drop part and just lost time.
    Carrie and Muschi like this.
  9. I don’t mind them having a timer on them the mask story pass that didn’t have one was a pain to complete and I know people that are still trying to collect the Rosa Neons for it.
    As long as you’re active and the club is completing parties you should be able to finish the tasks without going to a cat club I’ve finished the majority of mine in a potd club so far
    Carrie and ThePhoenix2HisSloth like this.
  10. What ec party costs 49ecs? It’s either 34 or 69
    Sanguine, Maddi_Matsu and LeeJarrett like this.
  11. 5ec each if its invites
  12. ATA has been pretty clear about expiration for each story pass. They are not blatantly trying to hide this information to con you from your money.

    There are other ways of getting into cat clubs without spending ecs on cats.

    Also you do not have to buy a story pass in the future if you do not think you will finish it in time. They are not twisting your arm to spend your real money.

    I literally just finished the venetian mask story because i refused to open boxes for the roses. It's not impossible

    Lastly... dafuq. I dunno how to interpret your party suggestions. The point of the parties is to get drops, why would you wanna make it permanent? You would get less drops and spend more money on the ecs for the party. Makes no sense sis
  13. Sorry guys! The stupid thing won’t let me edit the post. I didn’t even realize it autofilled parties at the time 🤦🏼‍♀️ Fixed here for now until I can get the dang app to work ☠️

    0) Just make story passes you pay ecs for unlimited on time? Even though I doubt they’ll do it, still an option.

    1) Add an item that costs ec that makes the pass permanent. Since we’re already paying 99-149ec on the pass itself I don’t think it should cost more than 49-51ec.

    2) Make the passes cost slightly more? Like 49ec max?
  14. Yes, it was 60 days for completion, but not everyone bought the pass on the first day. For example, I could only get the EC for the pass when there were 35 days left to the story, so I had a whole month gone to waste because I didn't activate it before. Been grinding to get to the end but it's worth it, the rewards are good. I don't think it's unfair when in the end you will be getting cats and kinis from the story, along with the avatar. Your expenses (in case you choose to join a session) will be reverted back to you.

    And I agree that ATA has always been transparent with the timing. I bought the pass later, already knowing that the story ended on February 1st. I was willing to take the risk and if I couldn't make it to the end, that would be on me.

    Also, there are people who have had problems with the "restart" option and the True Ending, and I can understand the complaints on that. Especially if they picked the recommended choices but still didn't get the true ending. At this point it's impossible to restart, so I can only imagine how annoying it got. Maybe they could have made the restarted story last a little longer?
    -BB, Sasaki and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  15. Sad update: I ended up being one of those people. All right choices, no avatar.
  16. They can't make the passes unlimited on time. It would hurt other passes coming out in the future. Having all the stories on your phone would lag then you would complain about that. It's very possible to get the stories done in the time they allow. Without having to join a cc.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  17. I agree, it can be completed. But I think they could at least make the restart unlimited so we could get the True Ending, since they screwed that up for some of us and now we don't have time to restart, not even if we join a billion flashes.

    Also, the Masquerade pass was unlimited and that hurt nobody.
  18. The mask pass was unlimited because u had to get the roses which u only got from boxes. They cannot make every pass this way. Because y'all would complain like u complain with everything else. Either don't pay for the passes, then u don't have to worry about. Or if u do pay for it, make sure you are active enough to finish it in the time frame.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  19. Well, I was "active enough" to finish in time. But this pass is broken and I didn't get the rewards for some reason. And I would be willing to buy the restart thing if I had enough time to finish it.
    In case you didn't read, I agreed with you that the passes shouldn't be unlimited. But due to the issue with the choices on this one, I think it would be fair for them to extend the deadline for the restart only.
  20. What do you mean by “I didn’t get the rewards from some reason”?