"I Voted" Badges

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Carrie, Jan 24, 2020.

  1. Honestly, I really want a Hypocougar of Liberty Statue now that I’ve thought of it.
  2. Sounds cool👍
  3. This bothers me too.

    At least more multiple choice questions or a rating system if they don't wanna sift through all the comments.
  4. I think your ideas are great but also hadn't considered this, and yeah maybe if they give you different things depending on your feedback, people won't be sincere. Which is why they hand out the badges regardless of what you pick.

    Yes! It's not too useful to get feedback if they won't know how to improve when the response is mostly negative. Yeah, there's some written feedback on forums but a lot of players don't come here.
    Maybe a multiple choice question such as "what can we improve" and then have "avatars" "furniture" and such things as available answers so we can vote on what we disliked?? Don't know, just throwing it out here now that we're discussing ideas.
    __garnet, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  5. Maybe a multiple choice question and then the option of writing in?
    __garnet and Carrie like this.
  6. Honestly, if I were to rethink the feedback system from scratch, this is how I d make it:

    Initial question: did you like the hunt? Yes/No
    If you vote Yes, you get a second question asking what you liked the most between avatars, furniture, stat items recieved from tasks and so on.
    If you vote No, you get a second question asking WHY? And having a bunch of pre-written answers to choose from (like, "I didn't like the theme", "I didn't like the avatars" and so on) and a "other" answer, with the possibility to write what you didn't like. And after this, I'd give a last interaction where you get thanked for answering and you are given an open, optional text field to add something, be it constructive criticism or positive comments about some aspects of the hunt.
    Because if you vote yes, you're most likely satisfied with what you got in the hunt; the problem is if you vote no, because the something about the hunt definitely didn't work for you, be it the design or theme or whatever.
    faby, Carrie and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  7. T
    those pins do have a purpose.. for ata .. not every button u tap on here should give you mics items or a free gold pass or a free free free anything .. it’s research on atas behalf ... and if you don’t want them to JUST SIT there then don’t vote.
  8. Lol, it's just a suggestion, calm down.

    The more people participate on research, the more accurate is the data obtained from said research. I'm sure ATA wants to improve using the feedback results, so why not encourage more people to vote instead of saying "if you don't want, just don't vote"? From a researcher's point of view, it seems more lucrative to get players to engage.

    I didn't suggest anything absurd like a super high mcs item or something like that. It could be anything. A badge or some cute item that shows that you have participated and voted in many hunts. Doesn't even need to have stats. I'm sure people would want to show it off and that would lead to more hunt participants (because you need to participate to vote) and more feedback on every hunt. I don't think it's a bad idea and I don't think I'm asking for too much.
    That being said, you're free to disagree with my suggestion anyway and I appreciate the comment.
    LadyKoko and Maddi_Matsu like this.