Open Friendly War : Indomie Goreng vs Indomie Rebus

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -lll__--0--__NIKZ__--0--_III-, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]


    πŸ’€Open Friendly WarπŸ’€
    πŸ“ŒFeb 29th | 24HπŸ“Œ
    πŸ•˜9pm SGT/8am EST
    πŸ“Spica / SN-MeidiπŸ“

    🍝 Introduction 🍜

    This war is for the purpose of teaching, learning, and fun.

    Indomie has been successfully conducting the Indonesian war last year. But the enthusiasm not only came from Indonesian people. So, we hope that this war can be fun for people around the world. Let us go out and fighting.

    Team information and invites will be sent out thru GorengKentang and KentangGoreng.
    Please don't add or wall these accounts for they are inactive alts and not checked on a regular basis.

    Any questions or concerns wall/add :

    🍝 Details 🍜

    Indomie Goreng
    Indomie Rebus

    πŸ“ŒDate: February 29th 2020
    πŸ•˜Start: 9 pm SGT / 8 am EST
    ⏳Duration : 24 Hours

    πŸ“Sign Up to:

    🍝 Rules & Regulations 🍜

    ♦ One account per player
    β™₯ No hiring tuts / stripping others
    ♦ No in house farming
    β™₯ No ordering outside hits
    ♦ People in SFW are not allowed
    β™₯ No prizes or win/lose
    ♦ No unsportsmanlike conduct
    β™₯ 6 DNs max
    ♦ All kcs welcome
    β™₯ Volunteers welcome
    ♦ Please notify host if there is NAME CHANGE
    β™₯ Upgrading are NOT ALLOWED after confirmation at Feb 26th

    ♦ Not accepting crybabies, join at your own risk
    β™₯ No drama

    🍝 Other Informations 🍜

    War will be initiated at 7.30pm SGT / 6.30am EST and will START at 9pm SGT / 8am EST.
    Please be in the club before the war started.

    🍝 Important Dates 🍜

    πŸ“Sign ups end at February 25th.
    πŸ“© Confirmation will be asked at February 26th.
    πŸ”Team information and invites will be send at February 29th.

  2. I'm a fairy so I ain't joining but I came here to say that Indomie Rebus is objectively better and no one could tell me otherwise. :|
  3. Both Indomie are legit omg I love both and I definitely will sign up to the war! πŸ’•
  4. Sign up please 🌚
    Indomie is delicious af, ty. 😌
  5. Sign me up please. My pleasure to join
  6. Psh. Goreng all the way nerd

    Also sign me up.
  7. Quick fix for rules no. 5
    People with sfw issue that will affect our friendly war are not allowed (will get kick immediately).
    So,people in sfw are allowed as long as their issue won't affect the other player that signed up, thank you.
    We hope that people with party fairy's background can also have fun in war without after effects when the war is over.
    -Stella-5, Inactive and meiday like this.
  8. uh indomee goreng all the way πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄ aint about the rebus at all 🀧
    P5-DHEA and Rizky like this.
  9. Definitely goreng.
    P5-DHEA and bb like this.
  10. The weirdest war I’ve ever seen
    -Stella-5 and Rizky like this.
  11. I know
    -Stella-5 likes this.
  12. don't forget the X factor.
    i am inn
    P5-DHEA likes this.
    • let's kick some ass
    • let's kick some ass
    • let's kick some ass
    • let's kick some ass
    • πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  13. Clearly you haven't tried Indomie Soto Mie.
    Or Indomie Bakso.
    Or Indomie Bakso Spesial.
    Or Indomie Kari Ayam.
    Or Indomie Kari Spesial.
    Or all the non-OG Indomie kuah variants.
    And especially not all the extra unique variants from Indomie Cafes. 😀😀😀
  14. Indomie goreng are the best! I rest my case here.
  15. Excuse you, I've tried most of them. STILL goreng is the best
    Lea and P5-DHEA like this.
  16. 😀 Bet you get the localized ones from the supermarkets and not the OG imported flavour!
  17. Goreng or kuah both are the best 😌😌
  18. sign me up plish..ty.. and meggi goreng kari mamak ayam is better