CONTEST PIMD-mas Ornaments!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Dec 19, 2019.

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  1. ikr...
    ayei made a 9 too your is better... l ol
  2. So I've got super excited with this contest. Did my best πŸ˜‚πŸ€­


    Air Essence

    Cosmos Essence

    Earth Essence

    Water Essence

    Light Essence

    All of them

    And that's it!
    Hope you liked haha
  3. [​IMG]

    So here's my ornament, I know it's late but working retail around this time of year leaves little time to breathe let alone make one. (12-13hr work days) But here is my Puppy Cerberus ornament. I went with him because he's cute for one, but it's honestly my favorite story pass so far. The Avis and story were awesome! Good work guys! Okay, Happy Holidays Y'all. Hope you like it! ❣️
    #283 Suspension, Dec 26, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2019
    Lunita, xuklp-hawaii, Bec and 13 others like this.
  4. Omg, I can't get it to work, can someone fix it? 😡
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    Uploading a submission with both my IGN and Forum name since they're different? Hope ya'll enjoy! I enjoyed actually being creative for once although my fingers burnt πŸ˜‚
    Happy holidays PIMD! Everyone's submissions this year are killer! Good luck picking πŸ˜‚πŸ’•
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    So I hand carved this little wooden ornament to look like a gift (I'm not that talented yet) and my 2 year old son wanted to join in on the fun. What better than a gift box with a kiddo handprint? Hanging on my parents' tree. :)
  7. Wtf man. Didnt work. Oh and its not even posting on my main ign.. :(
  8. This is Mistletoe typing, not mermaid. Not quite sure why its giving me my old ign still. Anyways can someone help?? Ugh..
  9. Yeah my IGN and Forum name are different too πŸ˜…
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    Psyche, _-Star-_ and La-Bichota like this.
  11." style="max-width: 100%;" />

    Hopefully this works
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    Hopefully it works πŸ˜•β€οΈ We don't celebrate Christmas though so no tree to show it on. Dorito RP Ftw though. πŸ˜‚
    Muschi and La-Bichota like this.
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    these do show in my own previews!!! I stg if they don’t show!!
  15. Here's my submission πŸ™ˆ hope it works
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  16. I'm dumb and forgot to put in my ign so here it is again 😫
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  17. I forgot to put my ign πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ so I had to take it back out of the tree for a good shot again and I accidentally squished it!! 😩 So it looks ugly because I tried to give it emergency surgery so I could shake it up for the photo πŸ˜‚
    Muschi likes this.
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