CONTEST Happy 9th Anniversary PiMD!

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Dec 22, 2019.

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  1. Happy Birthday PIMD! ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽˆ. Many more success to come! This is such a fun & addictive game๐Ÿ™‚. Also have a Merry Christmas! ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„โ˜ƒ๏ธ
  2. Happy 9th Anniversary PIMD. I have so many happy memories especially in the olden days๐Ÿ˜‚. I have met many friends in which I met in real life too and we still keep in touch even if they stopped playing.One of the best memories I had was when a Kingdoms at War player(he hated PIMD) followed me here in this game.He hated it at first but eventually liked it. We had fun exchanging gifts especially the diamond ring๐Ÿ˜‚way back it was very popular. We mostly talked through gift messages. We are now happily married for (almost) five years. During our first wedding anniversary,we drove to Vancouver and took a selfie infront of ATA's building to commerate the huge part that Pimd and Kaw brought to our lives. I have found the my "The One" because of ATA. Again, Congratulations and Happy Anniversary PIMD!
  4. #165 Heartshapedb0x, Dec 23, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2019
  5. I still remember i was trying to complete my bunny ava side story. And i done it in last 3 seconds when event going to change ๐Ÿ˜
  6. Happy Birthday PIMD!๐Ÿฅณ This year was most memorable for me coz I finally have the guy am eyeing on and surprisingly he lovez me too. We have known each other for a year here as well in this app , we became close friends and we are going strong just like the game. Its this year we became official couples and he help me alot. People left but he is always there for me. I hope to celebrate more anniversary with PIMD with this wonderful person I love you my bf and my rs @Nisat๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’˜
    Nisat likes this.
  7. I am not playing for long, but my most memorable moment was when I met my pup and best friend Loki. She wrote something about Joaquin Phoenix in pub and I answered to it on her wall, we started a huge conversation about Marvel, DC and all that stuff. Ever since then she makes my days brighter, and the game even more enjoyable. Thanks to PIMD I got to meet her and theres nothing I could be happier about. Definitly the best moment I had with another player โค๏ธ
  8. Happy 9th birthday PIMD!!! Cant believe it's been 9 years since I started playing pimd. There have been so many good memories and not so good memories on this game. So much has changed over the years. So many big clubs came and went. The war days were the best days of this game. So many well known players came and went as well. I'll never forget all the people I have met on here. Lifelong friendships were built on pimd!!
    Lena_Luthor likes this.
  9. It's a splendid year indeed! This year is where I met my sissy in game and we are as close as ever โค I remember the time where I met her when she was a lost new player. I am so glad that I helped her out and guided her throughout the game. And now, she has grown so much in game. I'm a proud sister here and will always be willing to help others too when needed. Sister forever @-Jessy- Relationships made to last here at PIMD. CHEERS! ๐Ÿฅ‚ HAPPY 9TH ANNIVERSARY ๐Ÿฅ‚
    Qahwa likes this.
  10. Daaang, it's hard to choose only one person to @, since there have been too many awesome people in here, who have been with me through thick & thin, both in PIMD and outside of it. I find it a bit funny (although heartwarming) that every time I was in a club for more than a week, I found people whom I can consider family (despite the distance).

    But there is one memorable moment I had with @Chidori, when I tried to make it to t100 during a hunt and she helped from the beginning until the last hours of the event. We called each other "nub" a lot, and I personally learned more about the game during that hunt!
    There were others that helped too, and I'd like to thank them as well, you're all awesome!

    Happy anniversary, PIMD ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚
    Speaking of... There's this one thing I haven't seen mentioned in the original post, and I was wondering about.
    Until when will the Anniversary date be available? I'm talking about this one:
  11. My most memorable time was when I was a lil baby noob. Like Jon Snow I knew nothing, but there was one person that stood out ever since I asked for help in campus. She was so kind and helpful, she never complained about the silliest of questions I had or when I got into trouble she would be by my side sorting things out. I must admit she didn't only help me grow as a player but as a person too and I'll forever be grateful to u @SummerNyx for all the things u've done for me ๐Ÿ’•
  12. The most memorable day i have in pimd was back when i was admining a cc club and met "him".. One of our club ihs.. He was this kind of player who wanna be paid right after each drop and that day i was task to pay him.. To cut it short we became game rs and eventually made it to real life.. And that was 434 days ago.. When Dawn meets Dusk..๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธHappy 9th Bday Pimd
  13. One of my favourite moments here is back a few months ago when I was still a 200kcs or so noobie.๐Ÿ™Š
    The club I was a PJ at was non sfw friendly so they kicked me when a bigger guy started farming me for no reason. That's when I found my PIMD family. They accepted me into their club and made me feel at home. Especially the Pres at the time @CallMeAnna she's the reason why I'm still here playing this game.๐Ÿ™Šโค
    Even if we're not always in the same club and I dun visit as much as I probably should she's one of the most important ppl for me here.๐Ÿฅฐ
    This game is all about the ppl you meet, at least for me it is. And they are what makes you come back day after day. Even if you need a break sometimes.๐Ÿ˜‹โค
  14. Back when I was very active in campus, talking to many people there was this guy, named @Alexander the great mod who was stalking me ๐Ÿคก He had another account and he was new but then I started talking to him and we became friends and he told me he considered me an idol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ It was so funny to me and we were close but things been rough and we had our fights and didnt talk for a long time until this year. We are back being close and i love him and I love his rs Miri too and even tho he doesnt say it, he still sees me as his idol ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿคฃ
    Aeryx and LVL1MAGIKARP like this.
  15. Happy bday! Hope we continue growing together and you guys keep having cool hunt ideas.

    The best day I had in pimd was when I was a noob 1 year ago and I was looking for some help on pub this one guy helped me finding a club gave me some furniture (only had some noob ones๐Ÿ˜‚) and helped me grow. Since that day we have been friends and we are here for each other when the other needs! Thanks for being always here! @Cereal_Killer_and_YSoSerial .

    I would like a princess, office, hell, vsco girl, insta badie etc hunt related. I have more ideas but too lazy to write them down.
    Sorcery likes this.
  16. Happy Birthday PIMD! It has been 9 years for you guys already, time flies ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ’•

    I've met many good friends here, but the most favorite one is @005akki. She's always been by my side in both good and bad times. She's not only so supportive and kind, but also tough at the same time. The memorable time I've enjoyed playing with @005akki is when she was really mad at me for being indecisive about what to do, and she was trying to make things right to help me out of the problems instead of blaming me or supporting me to do wrong things. The moment when she chose to tell me directly in proper way made me realize how much she loves and cares about me because she doesn't want people to get me wrong. I really appreciate her courage for doing that and cherish every moment I've been with her.

    Lastly, I just want to say that I'm really happy for being about to develop our friendship not only here, but also outside PIMD. Thanks for making me being a better person, @005akki โค
  17. Happy birthday PIMD to you from myself and @-Isana-. She's been my mentor since I started this game and wouldn't feel right if I didn't share this with her.
    Isana likes this.
  18. @BubblyBandit
  19. My most memorable moment is meeting my soul mate on PIMD. I joined her cat club, and instantly became connected with her. I remember adding her for โ€œadminโ€ help. When really I just wanted the opportunity to get to know her more. I needed to drop a cat for my stay, but honestly just wanted to drop her a line. Iโ€™ll never forget our first private conversation that wasnโ€™t in club chat. She ran away with my heart and I wouldnโ€™t have it any other way. We have met irl and have become an irl couple. โ™ฅ๏ธ @___Blazin_Phoenix___
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
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