Alice's Apology to New Forumers and 2019 PIMD

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ForeverAlice, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. There's a mod with the ign Mochi... and honestly I've misread their ign as mine before 🤣
  2. Oh this is actually so wholesome :')
    There are so many amazing people on this game. I know it gets a bad rep sometimes, but at least 90% of the people I've met or became friends with have all been extraordinarily helpful and absolute gems.
    Manic likes this.
  3. oh wow... what i missed here... forum did changed a lot... 🙄 its a good thing
  4. No not old forums js bettererererererer
  5. i just got back here,so i don't really know much about this new forum. but the layout is pretty good tho, btw where did the active topic go?
  6. Gotta go to new posts it's little words near the top. That's the new it
  7. Forums is really dead now. For someone like me who likes debates and arguments and insults and being offensive it kinda sucks. I'm only nice outside of pimd. People here are too sensitive nowadays. I can't imagine actually playing the game because any tutor hire or BL hit or something would just result in overly sensitive people wall'ing me and complaining.

    Tl;dr forums sucks
  8. Hmm.. idk if OP is being serious, or....?


    I'm kidding!

    Either way, new players.. you will always find help and support in me! I'll be glad to teach you about the game or if you have a question and need an answer. Or you just want to hear like a dad joke. I'm here for that as well. Good luck!
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  9. For the record i was being genuine. Also good to see @Creator-INK active! I loved your comics. Tbh i miss Wolf Nick's comics as well.
  10. This is lame
  11. Won't be long until it's as dead as KaWs
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  12. I donut want that to happen 🤒
    Victoria likes this.
  13. We'll find a new forum to invade!
  14. KoH here we come... 🤣
    RoseMilkTea and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  15. That wannabe lesbo killed forums
  16. Which one
  17. Who, me?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  18. What exactly is a wannabe lesbian?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  19. Buwbuw isn't all there in the head
    Muschi, RoseMilkTea and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  20. Ahhh, kaw. I remember joining KaW for a day and posting in WC and forums for them to take their perverts out of PIMD and stick to being the #2 ATA game and then getting forum banned, receiving hundreds of raging wall posts and getting farmed. Good times
    Maddi_Matsu, Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.