Make friend list of ppl visible

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -MoB-Conqueror, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Yo

    Just a random thought that crossed my mind on seeing too many new accounts used for scamming, pm trades have made it really safe to trade our items and ensure a sense of trust between two parties.

    But scammers are misusing that to transferring scammed items from their noob alt accounts. To prevent this why not ata allow us to see who r all in the friend list of a person.

    This will actually solve half the head ache of a person and reduce encouragement of ppl to use alts to scam.

    Ps: Scamming is an art I am not against it, Its upto the individual to use their brains before making any trade.
  2. Well, I don’t disagree with the idea of having a visible friend’s list.

    But your reasoning for wanting it is a bit off.

    I don’t think that it’ll help your issue, but it’s not a horrible idea. I just don’t see the need for it when there are other issues in PIMD that should be fixed.
    Aei, DanieIIa, Kefo and 4 others like this.
  3. Every game has its own plus and 1000s of flaws. Even the playstore ppl's choice of 2019 itself has some glaring flaws.

    But I will give u a simple scenario which happened just now. One of my noob friends gifts 10 bento and some items for buying some stuff.
    The seller scams. It is totally the noobs fault for trusting the seller.

    My observation of that profile was this. Fl followers increases from 15 - 17 friend count then increases from 15- 17.

    After a whilee the items disappeared in the sellers account. We all know what has happened here now.

    Now ppl will say what if the seller doesnt doessfer immediately. No scammer holds the item forever in alts and they are bound to be moved to their targetted accounts. if we are able to see the FL from the begining wont it reduce the suspect from few 10s of thousands to say 1000 or ppl in the friend list
  4. I understand what you’re trying to say, but I don’t think it would help.

    First, because there is a trade system in place, it should be difficult to technically get as you say “scammed”.

    And there’s not anything technically wrong with transferring between accounts.
    DanieIIa, Muschi and MrMyers like this.
  5. Trade thru pms not gifts. If you accept the trade it's not a scam coz can clearly see what is being give both ways. Your own folt for being stupid don't blame ata. But also no there's already enuf shit in this game to try load don't need more
  6. I am not a fan of this idea. I don't like when people can see who is in my friends lists on any social media form. Just use the trade system and you'll be fine.
    MayaTheHopeful, Aei, Rizky and 2 others like this.
  7. Technicality perspective there are on demand load options available and technologically doable and so this shit wont increase the load on the servers.

    Oh well all have their own perspective
  8. I kinda agree to this as it reduces privacy of a person.

    Nice catch
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  9. OK now say that again in normal words
  10. How did that issue fly by your head lol
    DanieIIa, Kefo, Victoria and 3 others like this.
  11. People can always unadd / readd their alt accounts too. Only have it added on when their transferring, then quickly unadd until the next time. A friends list isn't concrete.
  12. If you make the view friend list feature just like how amazon shows its item in list of items, the load of application on start up will not be high and app wont crash.

    This is basically from application design side.
  13. When u have no life u dont have to worry about just finding out the person who adds and unfollows easily
  14. What?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  15. If that's your way of saying you have a lot of free time, hobbies aren't hard to start and usually translate into skills.
    Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  16. No support. Mind your fucking business stalker.
  17. Are you on your period or on lots drugs to now your angry lots now
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  18. Asking her if she's on her period is a bit rude. It isn't your business if she is
    MayaTheHopeful and Maddi_Matsu like this.