EVENT Cold Comfort: Hygge Me Tender

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 5, 2019.

  1. This is absolutely amazing and beautiful!!! I want it all!!! All the furni and all the avis! Good job ATA!!!!
  2. Is anyone else getting dns from their event boxes instead of drops?
  3. Omg yes! I need the girl holding a kitty, that would fit my dorm 💜cats 😂

    Also I thought my autocorrect/translater had turned on
    When I saw the word “hygge” 😂
  4. Y’all really tried everyone with this one. Whoever the artist was for the past 2 Hunts need to come back. Throw this artist away.
  5. Cat guy and bunny guy are so awesome. Cant wait to get them as an avatar!!!
  6. Stop making us auto combine. Give us an activator, you don’t need 200iq to put that coding in zzz
    lirin likes this.
  7. It says trade yarn with other players except you cant?
  8. Nm I can trade red 😇
  9. Cute, but Jesus more shard hunting :/
    lirin, DEATHWlSH and SpookySiren like this.
  10. Now...why he got a damn sheep on his neck 🤔
    eerie_chaos, taIia and Bonnet like this.
  11. what is green used for? 🤭
    Mismagius likes this.
  12. It is a side story drop ☺️
    Mismagius, Kale and Muschi like this.
  13. I would be too dealing with some of these ungrateful people everyday 😂
    eerie_chaos, Alicia, Bumble and 6 others like this.
  14. at least he has a pack 🥺
  15. Love this hunts ❤️
  16. Why ppl getting green yarns?
    Ket likes this.
  17. Green yarn is the side story drop, and are not part of the avi shards.
    BabySatan and Mismagius like this.
  18. The kitties! I’m in love
    eerie_chaos likes this.
  19. Avas are cute but sadly i will not be getting any because I am not going to spend $ on opening boxes. Cute furni, but nothing too unique. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  20. Oh and I'd much rather prefer the activators 🙄
    Ket likes this.