Guidebook on People

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Hermes-IN-DaClouds, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. People n talking is confusing 😶
  2. lulz. Clearly you shit at reading
  3. Lulz. Clearly I haven’t been on the shitehole that are called new forums for a while you cretinous bellend
  4. New member? New member? Lolol.
  5. And no. A lot hasn’t changed. Lulz
  6. Even the old forums the threads had dates on them don't make excuses
    GodTierOni and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  7. Every player who joins forums since update in late June is considered a new member. The only way to change that is too receive a bunch of likes across your posts.
  8. Tl;dr but looks good
  9. @Trendsetting is that dude to hide on a alt cause he looks like a low budget chewbacca that's been sitting in a cave licking rocks for 30 years before coming out and trying to bathe in mud.
  10. Man. The person that made this put in a lot of work.