EVENT HALLOW-PIMD Part II: Cryptid! at the Disco

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. While you’re out here making changes, how do you feel about making the final side quest very difficult, taking into account the boosts that everyone has.

    Love the new Avis that will be released with them, but I’m also hoping they don’t become a dime a dozen 😴 just throwing my ideas out
  2. [​IMG]
  3. Preach
    Mismagius and Muschi like this.
  4. Anyone else not able to get rid of sleeping dolls?
  5. Can a lot of us get to the last side story first 😅 it’s already difficult. Maybe they should make another level of side story since it might be too easy for some people.
  6. I swear, Imma leave this game bcs of this hunt, and these mean ppl
    PeaceMachine, Flare140 and Ket like this.
  7. So I know that people have been speculating as to whether there will be 3 or 4 side stories this hunt, but I have been noticing how few side story tiers give stat items, and was wondering if that was proof they will have 4 this hunt.
    Flare140 likes this.
  8. Can my drop boost I paid for please not give me 3x dolls kthx

    I was so looking forward to the Halloween hunt.. 🤦🏻‍♀️ oh well
  9. Sleeping dolls were a pretty good surprise BUT it made the PvP LB a bit unfair if those on PvP LB end up being the same people from main LB. So many put in so much work and your stats (and premium privileges lmao) almost didn't matter for the PvP LB before the sleeping dolls came.
  10. 10 days left. anddd ive never been hit. 🌶
    Hexenbiest likes this.
  11. When is the 3rd side of the story coming out??? 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
    Tequila-, -Fae-, Ket and 2 others like this.
  12. You mean again?

  13. Also waiting for that Mermaid Ava i think that is from the 3rd side story 😊
    Ket likes this.
  14. It will be, and the VIP version will be in the 4th.
  15. I wasn't around for the alice one but like... hail satin? The avi bothers me so much 😂
  16. This hunt feels like its dragging😴
    Libulan likes this.
  17. Y’all started with each hit being 1 doll, now a hit is 3-5 dolls AND potions boost golden dolls? This idea is absolutely defeating the purpose of the effort we put into PVP at the very beginning. Now the drop LB is basically the same as the PVP lb, way to once again cater to the same 10 people all the time.
    Libulan, Twink, PeaceMachine and 3 others like this.
    Muschi and ATAWanda like this.
  19. Where are the other colors? I can’t find them
  20. I'm pretty sure it was a purposeful typo.
    Have not been released yet; will mostly likely be apart of the 3rd (non-VIP) and 4th (VIP) side stories.
    Rebecca likes this.