EVENT HALLOW-PIMD Part II: Cryptid! at the Disco

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. I know someone already said this, but I wish the hunt was optional like the GoT hunt. Not ALL players like PvP. So whoever said it wasn’t optional, it most certainly is since there was no way to opt-out like previously done before.

    I am quite sure that someone is going to say “stop whining”. Let me clarify, WE DO NOT ALL LIKE PVP. So asking someone to kindly stop farming shouldn’t equate to whining.

    Anyways, it is what it is at this point. I’m sure ATA can do a PvP hunt like this again, where there are teams and people have the option to join in or sit out. That’s just my two cents, take it or leave it. ❤️
  2. Yes I agree with the fact that a “Opt In” and “Opt Out” would make more people happy, but then they couldn’t do the PVP part quite like this. If you look at the PVP leaderboard, they get all their gold dolls from breaking purple potions and don’t buy any of their own. What makes this hunt work is the intermingling of each part.

    Sure, I’m not a PVP focused kinda guy, and I lose some potions because of it, but I think it’s rather interesting to have to try PVP’ing out every once in a while
  3. Yes, I get that aspect of it too. But I had more fun in the GoT style PvP because I knew what I was getting into beforehand. This hunt felt so discombobulated haha. I started losing money left and right/potions because I hadn’t quite understood the premise, like many others. ☺️

    I love the whole potions idea because it gives people an opportunity to climb the leaderboard slightly without having to open boxes, etc. I know not everyone can be happy with all hunts. So I’ll just enjoy it until the end. 💙
    Carrie and iPanicAtDiscos like this.
  4. Is the quest out for the siren yet?
  5. So, I'm just here to say that I really enjoyed how they did things on this hunt. It's a nice addition to the same old hunt style. Keeps things interesting.

    At first, I didn't plan on participating in PvP. But one day I woke up and all my potions were gone, lol. That sort of inspired me to start hitting other players too and getting my share of Golden Dolls, because... Why not, right? This led me to understand and appreciate the PvP aspect of this game a bit more.

    I also really enjoy the concept of a PvP leaderboard, which gives players an opportunity on nice rewards and avatars just by playing the game. And it is awesome because it instigates players to do something that isn't done often anymore (farming) and also takes away a bit of the old "big spenders only" aspect, giving f2p players a bigger goal. Just like the PRO boxes did for PRO parties.

    I'm sorry to those who dislike it. I think it's pretty refreshing, and can introduce more players to PvP, like it's doing for me. It doesn't hurt to try new things, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Kanae, Ballerina, Carmilla and 3 others like this.
  6. I just wanna say next time ya do fox spirits can they be Nogitsune instead of kitsune id kill for some black fox/evil fox gear/avis!
  7. Yay!! I'm gonna dress up my sleeping bunny!
  8. Nope, should be out next Tuesday! 3rd and final side quest. Unless they throw and absolute curve ball and somehow incorporate 4 side quests
  9. The yellow one is even better. It gave me 10200.
  10. Am I the only one who doesn't have the "Event Shop" column? Can't spend any of my coins. 😑
  11. Restart or update the up🤷🏼‍♀️
  12. App** sksk
  13. How do you get the mermaid avis??
    Ket likes this.
  14. Update!

    Remember when Marceline said
    in the original post? Well here it is: the Potions and Strong Potions of Torpor will now affect your doll drops. This means you'll see an increase in the number of Li'l Cursey Dolls you get when they drop from parties. For instance, if you would normally get 1 Li'l Cursey Doll, but you have Potions that give you a 500% boost to drops, you'll get 5 Li'l Cursey Dolls instead. This change affects the number of Golden Dolls you get from PVP too, so PVP players also will have their rewards boosted by potions, and have a reason to try to keep them intact.

    Happy Haunting, y'all 👻
    #275 ATAWanda, Oct 23, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2019
    Muschi, Manic and Ciara like this.
  15. Holy snicklerdoodles, I was not ready for the doll bonus. 😣
    zoe-the-fiend and Victoria like this.
  16. Would be nice if you all would stop changing things in the middle of it, the extra doll drops because of how many potions we have is Bs. Tbh. I didn’t max my small potions just to have them destroyed in a couple of parties because you all want to make changes
    #277 FindingMeimo, Oct 24, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2019
  17. ATA forewarned in the original post that they would be making changes/adjustments as the hunt goes on, lol.
    Kanae, zoe-the-fiend and -Kitsune- like this.
  18. And as I just stated would be nice if they stopped
    YouMakeMyAssItch and Ket like this.
  19. 8 days into hunt and they still can’t figure out wtf they want to do,
    YouMakeMyAssItch likes this.