
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by DinosAreTheOldestCars, Oct 19, 2019.

  1. Some one up all the games that was before I wanna play
  2. Oh yes, the old word play games. Thanks Scott
  3. You can download apps that have Hangman and stuff if you want to play so bad
  4. Why not aloud play here now
  5. You could make a game, in which, you provide obscure hints about dinos, and all participants are rewarded when they correctly guess the accurate name for the particular reptile and period of the Mesozoic era that you are cryptically describing.

    Idk... just an idea to give your ign an increased association with dinos.
    SomePuertoRicoGuy likes this.
  6. kk now say that again in normal words I seen Dino so I wanna know
    SomePuertoRicoGuy likes this.
  7. Who tf said you weren't allowed 🙄
  8. Coz you said play difrent games other thingys
  9. Dino game. make now clue. Right us guess. win we prize. yay confetti an shit
    SomePuertoRicoGuy likes this.
  10. Oooooo I would just gotta find stuff to give coz I need my bentos n chibis
  11. I like that game ima do it when sort out stuff to give
  12. That doesn't mean you aren't allowed? You're just always begging to play games and nobody wants to host them. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  13. Why
  14. Because they don't feel like it. Not everyone has to do what you want, when you want them to 🥴
  15. I just wanna play lots n but this time I just said the ones already it idk how find them