UPDATE Silencing Policy Updates

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 18, 2019.

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  1. Does this mean lyssa will stop abusing her power now 😓 I’ve been hurt to many times from her power 💀
    A-ngun and Amelia5143 like this.
  2. Ofc you would quote this 💀💀
    Thabita2 likes this.
  3. If you mean deleting messages off walls you can still do that you just can’t see if you’ve selected the message or not.
    gaddie2 and Thabita2 like this.
  4. I mean... neither of those are illegal and/or breaking ToU. The married women is morally wrong, and the pregnant women is just kind of weird, but that's about it. I don't think those things should be silenceable, but they are annoying to see.

    If you block everyone you see requesting those, you won't be able to see the messages from those people anymore. Most of the time it's the same handful of people just constantly posting, so blocking should thin it out.
    Carrie and -PA_KaramelApples- like this.
  5. Aaayyyeee, I dig this...
    Wuz craccalaccin witchu cuh?
  6. Is "I'll send you a msg on line" silenceable?

    Because this is a thing that I feel people would post a lot more often if it was clearly acceptable.
    Rizky and Muschi like this.
  7. Looking for young college students
    Muschi likes this.
  8. I saw that guy, too. He asks you to watch his YouTube videos and stuff. Should he technically be silenced?
  9. If we can spam our heights, can we spam cup sizes or inches?
    Tryna ask the real questions
  10. As a chick I’d say no because that’s really personal information but I’m not a dev or mod so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  11. I wish the world actually worked like this...

    Showing support for the “evolution” regardless🖤🤙🏾
    Victoria and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  12. Please feel free to send in a help ticket to ata if you feel there is any mod abusing their abilities 😘
  13. Oh finally. My 3 out of 4 silences were due to saying Hoe, Hoè and Ho in Pub💀
    Carrie and Manic like this.
  15. Oh word
  16. What was the 4th?
    Victoria and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  17. LMAO rn! 🤣 U showed them
  18. Bruh! What the hell do u think! 😒
    gaddie2 likes this.
  19. No ps4 tags? :( tbh that sucks. I make most of my gamer friends here.
    Kefo likes this.
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