
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DinosAreTheOldestCars, Oct 14, 2019.

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  1. How to know how to know when some one tricking
  2. You mean like messing with you?
  3. That to
  4. Sneaky, who are you tryna trick?
  5. No one wanna know how know how know when people it me
  6. It takes a special breed of person to know when someone is being sarcastic and when they are not. Either you have it or you don’t.
    Rizky likes this.
  7. Explain the situation here if it’s acceptable for forums and let the people decide
  8. I think it boils down more to how well you know the person rather than how good you are at detecting sarcasm.
  9. Just always. Like 1 thingy hapend was gummy said smash my head hard to make can't know how to talk no more n then I got forum band coz didn't know he was joking still don't know why I got in truble for that. N then also another thingy last night was txtng this chick on here n then I seen she blocked me n then a cuple mins later I relized she tricked me into sext with her didn't relize was it till after seen she blocked me. N irl been a bunch of times chicks trick me in to fùck
  10. “Trick” you into that?
    I hope some girl tricks me into a nice 401k
    Maddi_Matsu and Rizky like this.
  11. No but really how in the world were you tricked into it? They tell you a tree will sprout in Africa with every frack?
  12. Trick you into fuck? What
    Carrie and PoolNoodle like this.
  13. Coz I usul never relize what going on with any thing till after a bit
  14. It takes time to realize that? Your mind running on dial up connection? Even someone in your mental situation should realize when they’re enacting in shrexuals and not “tricked” into it but oof I guess :confused:
  15. Coz
    Coz some times lots my head just do it n idk did it yet
  16. Idk what's that
    1. If someone tells you to do something harmful to yourself (like smashing your head against the wall) then it’s a trick
    2. Uhhhhh you’re on your own there buddy
    Rizky likes this.
  17. Just roll with the punches bruh, and try to smile. Some people don't get fuck, so be proud
  18. The world is full of people trying to trick you
    Be careful with your money
    Use a condom
    Don't smash head into things
    Rizky and Carrie like this.
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