Recycle/Remove Old Timer Boxes feature

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -TORA-, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. “Another hunt, another timer box.” Oh! But those old timer boxes that we still have are taking time to run out and there’s no more slot for the new timer box!

    I really do hope we can have this recycle or remove timer box feature soon, or at least bring back the 2 unlocking slots from time to time. :(
    -BB, iAmbsGiveNoFawks and Stonette like this.
  2. i've never seen more people complain about the possibility of free things
  3. we have this thread every week and every time it gets very mixed reactions 😐
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth and Rizky like this.
  4. Too much free stuff bothering you?
    LeeJarrett, Rizky, Carrie and 2 others like this.
  5. It’s not a complaint about getting or having free things it’s a complaint about not being able to use the free things.
  6. Okay, I disagree partly because you can still get avatars/furniture/other things. Just leave the box opening while you're not getting new ones or something like that. It's not a bad thing at all.

    But it wouldn't hurt to have a second slot (even if we have to pay ecs to unlock it). Also, I just wanted an option to remove those starter puzzle boxes and never get them anymore. But that's just for the visual aspect, because having them useless there is kinda annoying
  7. You know when a new hunt is released, there's literally a countdown.

    I'd recommend not starting a hunt box before the hunt is about to end if that's your problems.

    But you've also got multiple old regulars boxes in your showcase, what's your issue with having extra of ones you might not open??
    Carrie likes this.
  8. I don't support this because I got furniture from past hunt timer boxes before. So why would I not want a chance on some nice stuff?

    But even though I disagree, let's entertain this idea: say we could recycle them. What could we get in return, maybe speed-ups? This sounds like it could please both sides, because you only recycle if you want to. Since this box deleting suggestion shows up here sometimes.
    But it's not a feature I care about. I'd rather just keep opening boxes and getting free things.

    Preach this, though. The only people who need them are the new players, I'm already sick of those. Want them to disappear
    -BB, Victoria, Suspiria and 1 other person like this.
  9. Ok but labyrinth boxes are actually pretty helpful for everyone
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  10. True, true. Labyrinth stays
  11. No
    What if you decide to open them one day and win a 999? That has happened to me twice now
  12. I'm using this hunt, since I don't like it. To clear my old boxes .

    Butt support anyway
  13. But seriously, give us AT LEAST two spots for timer box openings. I'm so backed up. Why can't we have two? 🤔
  14. We used to have 2...but they dropped it to one, or was that for the pet one 🧐, it was a while ago so 🤷🏽‍♀️
  15. I get that, but I think time boxes should then be reduced. Not 5 boxes maybe just one or two. I hate having to open my old timer boxes then recycle them or go to my room and deselect them because the annoying exclamation mark is there.
    If it were left up to me all the old boxes should be gone.
  16. Luckily, it isn't up to you. 🤣
  17. Lol, I know but I this debate about timer boxes are long overdue. I get that you can have 999s from them and stat-wise they’re worth a lot but you can’t even use the bolts from recycling them to upgrade traded items. I just think they should reduce it to 1 or to compromise to three wooden boxes. I’d prefer to get rid but I do see that on the rare occasion you get the 999 it’s worth it 🤗
  18. This debate isn't overdue because it has being happening constantly since the beginning with very mixed opinions. It isn't difficult to ignore the boxes you don't want to open. How are they harming you?
  19. They just started giving us speed up boxes, use speed ups?
    Muschi likes this.
  20. I've really loved the introduction of the many ways to earn speedups, as they have really helped me clear the clutter. I feel as though ATA has addressed the excess hunt timer box issue well with these.

    However, I do wish I could stop the starter furni boxes from dropping. I don't think I've wasted the time to open any, ever. I wasn't a starter by the time they were introduced.