Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. Will end up being leaderboard avi safly
    lemoneyes likes this.
  2. The avis are a lil lackluster and so is the furni :/
    Jinger, _Lukas and Pahuj like this.
  3. I get more & more disappointed by these hunts 🌝.....sigh
    MoFitness, Disaster, Jinger and 3 others like this.
  4. Oh great.... we’ll get the awfully ugly avis 🙄
  5. Why do many cats ? Anything for the guys ?
  6. Don't like anything from this hunt ☜ (↼_↼)
    ll-Fidelitas-ll likes this.
  7. This hunt... Starts with a T and ends with a H..
  8. Oh they have copied the last two avis from stranger things lol
  9. Seriously ata? I try to defend y'all but it's hard sometimes. The bunny head is just weird. And the only pretty avatars are the nearly impossible ones. Nice way to treat your players :)
  10. Yeah, that's literally Black Phillip's character design, I am so disappointed. I wish we didn't have to spend hundreds of dollars to get it. A
    the sad thing is that the leaderboard peeps who end up getting it are probably going to use it for a little while and then switch to another.
  11. Accidentally posted before I could finish lol and for some reason it doesn't give me the editing option (?).

    Anyway, great job at choosing those characters and making avatars out of them. It makes me sad, but they do look really good.
    And people check out The Witch and same director's upcoming release The Lighthouse 🖤 ok bye
    lemoneyes, Hag and Black-Phillip like this.
  12. Cant edit or delete on a dev thread.
  13. Oh, makes sense, thank you for clarifying.
    Ciara likes this.
  14. So
    which one is the sec sidenstory Ava ? It there’s none ?
  15. There’s no sec side story Ava ? 🙃
  16. Idk how I feel about the avatars but I like the furni.
  17. ATA keeps disappointing me with these ugly side story avis. i get it, we’re broke and we don’t spend money for the game, but we spend TIME and dedication. y’all should really stop this discrimination smh
    lemoneyes, Snitcherry, Rizky and 9 others like this.
  18. Is the avatar with the pink hair the first side story or the next?
  19. it’s from leaderboard top 10
  20. Ugly avis
    ll-Fidelitas-ll likes this.