Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. Cute but..... Lemme see Part 2 and Part 3 so I can decide which part should I go broke for 🥴
  2. I already know the goat ones are top 100 and all the DISGUSTING UGLY TRASH are for story, I guess I’ll see y’all next hunt... AGAIN👋🏻
    Snitcherry, Hag, BooBees and 12 others like this.
  3. It’s cute!
  4. Sadly that’s how it usually goes 😞
    StarryJester and Suspiria like this.
  5. Sweet lord I've waited whole a year for this and I'm doing a little jig that I havent been disappointed. LETS GO ALL THE WAY TO CHRISTMAS WITH SPOOKS
    KiritoTheFallen and Quidditch like this.
  6. imagine just sticking a rabbit head on an avatar and just being like yes this works
  7. I can't see the images.. R.i.p 💀
  8. Great job
  9. damn yo, how did we end up in the front porch? Like did we get kicked out of our dorm and have to live with decorations?
  10. where are my side drops ATA 🥺 fix your servers already
  11. Hoped for better with the title but 😏 ok so the title doesn't really fit the theme imo. furnitures cool love how it looks like a spooky porch. *sigh* those avis... The goat ones are great but the others oh my. There no cohesion between and the animal head avis are awful and look like they belong to a different hunt. I could see the other two going in with the goat ones though loosely. I get the rabbits the link to do nice dark but come one it's more Alice in wonderland than donnie.. Only my opinions of course I'm sure many will love it but I'm hoping for better next round
  12. Who designed this? I just wanna talk.
  13. Oh noes
    Jinger likes this.
  14. Eh .... I want to be a sexy aviii
  15. Side story drops didn't happen for our premium party. Severe bug detected.
    BL3SS3D likes this.
  16. The bunny and wolf avatar are cute
  17. The Witch and Black Phillip are probably leaderboard and I'm already sad.

    That's me and my boyfriend's favorite horror movie. Those look incredible and it breaks my heart that I just can't have it. Give us a damn chance 😭
    Hag, Norunir, Disaster and 4 others like this.
  18. I wanted a PvP hunt