
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DinosAreTheOldestCars, Sep 23, 2019.

  1. Is how other ways can know how make can remeber stuff more good keep forget shît that not good forget needa how remeber it more good
  2. Great game for fun but it’s ok to put a new girlfriend into it and get a good game like that I can have it all back up on it now it will get boring after the first game but I’ve none so now it’s just going back
  3. What
  4. I’ve never been so confused in my life before 😂😂
    Alicia likes this.
  5. Write down the things you want to remember or use google calendar.
  6. Mind games, not manipulation, solitaire and stuff
    Ginkgo biloba
    Quit crack/meth
    Carrie and SpaceWine like this.
  7. Remember Simba 🦁
  8. I have to write things down so I don't forget. Otherwise, I can promise I'll forget. I go through sticky notes like crazy at work, and it's so satisfying to pull one up off my desk and toss it when I've completed the task.
  9. Love that song @Kefo
  10. Scott? Probably not it’s name .. whose alt are you again?
  11. MemberBerries
  12. Write stuff down
    Try shorter easier ways to remember things
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  13. I havnt had that or none the others ones to in sinse about 1yr now just weed some times now
  14. Where I write it I gotta every week
  15. I use the notes app on my phone, because I bring my phone everywhere.
  16. How will it know tell me go when