Someone be my forums enemy so I stoo getting bored and disappearing. Perks include but are not limited to: 1) I'll bring up how much I hate you in unrelated discussions. Ex. "I am not a big fan of balsamic vinaigrette." "Same, but I hate (THIS COULD BE YOU) more." 2) I will laugh at you privately with my friends. 3) I will laugh at you publicly with acquaintances. 4) I will provide an example of what not to do/be and make you feel better about how you are currently doing in life. 5) I'm neVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN Taking applications now.
Me pls. And then we can confuse new forumers by intermittently professing our love to each other. It'll be great.
I enjoy balsamic vinegar, all vinegars in fact. I've taken shots of balsamic vinegar before. Pick me!