CONTEST PIMD's Got Talent 2019!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 4, 2019.

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  1. Pretty pretty
    bugpudding likes this.
  2. I'm kind of scared to enter my fanfic... I dont want it to get stolen..
    Rizky likes this.
  3. I did that wrong. I'll say it here. Do I just post a chapter from my fanfic or a link to the whole story???
  4. Tg
    OMG haha 😂
  5. Dis is gorgeous
    bugpudding likes this.
  6. everyone is so talented wtf 🥺👏🥰

  7. I do videography 😛😛 here's my showreel
    Melanina and bb like this.
  8. awwww sweetest rs 🤧💖

  9. If the showreel doesnt count.. here.. a music video i directed, filmed and edited 🤐🤐
    AfterTheParty and bb like this.
  10. that's my boyfriend yall🥺💜
  11. Des didn't believe in love, everybody knew. Her faith in people was just long over due. She's a funny hypnocat; one that loves naps in the window while the sun cast it's rays. Catnip, no dogs, dreaming of Pimd, no lags and better days.

    Those dreams colorful as could be, no crayon, but clearly those dreams wasn't as lucent as our eye can see.

    When she awakes from these hopeful dreams, she walks into the bathroom, looking in the mirror, knowing that things could be-

    Maybe better for others that take this game to be, their only lifesaver, life is cold, no sweater, so maybe a friend in me? Because like them Des was the same. An outcast; most say the girl is just a lame.

    Then she rushed a party when IBH was called. Started talking to the members, knew that she was home! Trust issues ran straight out the door.

    Now Des doesn't believe there's not love anymore. No rp, but much respect, how can we ever try to measure that? People ask "How can you find love on a game?" I'll back track. PIMD allowed me, I mean Des to know herself so we love 'em for that!

    Party Rush made her a home, now this outcast doesn't feel so broken, lost and alone. Gained a family. Sisters and Brothers, real friendship, unbelievably. I know this first hand because Des is Me.

    Original poem: We are Family, I got PIMD with me by PR_Destiny_Des
  12. This got so many likes omg 🥺 ily all
  13. - Another Original, By CharLieeSaintCloud
    I wish you understood , I never loved you for fun . I never even wanted this ; I run .
    I've always ran ; from the reflected man inside that glass .
    But with you , I have forgotten the past and I
    I never understood the beauty I see in the way you talk to me . It's in the way you run from them and then turn to walk with me .
    That's what I never understood ; How you still manage to push me . When it was you who came on through the walls and took me
    You took over .
    And how come you pretend , that it would be okay if we just up and end HOW
    Just help me understand , why you always try to stiffle ; the boy inside the man . See , you need him ; he's what keeps you pure ... He's the only one who believes that being happy is a cure .
    I never understood ... Why you always try to hide him ; Dont you know that he's the one that I confide in ?.
    And I love him, open up your heart to see ; that he's the one who protects the girl inside of me .
    And you don't understand that's why you constantly leaving . And I go on to try to live without the man I'm needing .
    But it's your fault I feel this way ; Cuz even when I left , part of me still stayed
    And with every fucking line I wrote
    My heart took note
    And I wore the way I felt proudly , even when you doubt me
    You counting your blessings without me . I don't understand ?...
    Where you come off trynah give me the cold shoulder, and the chip you got turned itself into a bolder and the girl inside me just wants you to hold her ... While you blaming this bullshit on being bi polar
    I wannah understand I just wish you would let me , give me a reason why you nurture to neglect me WHY ...
  14. - I LOVED IT , Beautifully Written . & I’ll Be Your Friend .
    PR_DomiSoAnti likes this.

  15. All you wanted was for someone to teach you how to swim when you drowned in your own sorrow.
    Choochiiiiii likes this.

  16. Send foot pics to me sksksk 🌚
    Zacko, AfterTheParty and Buwbuw like this.
  17. [​IMG]
    And if we can have more entries, thats a non weird entry 🥴
  18. Why can I only like it? ATA need to lag, kick us off again, so I could ❤️ it!!!
  19. Oh You Proud? By: PR_Destiny_Des

    Mr. Big Stuff, I know you think ya tough.
    Laughing in my face, talking big stuff.
    Where's that smile now? Those Fu'd up teeth, like yo tongue in jail now.
    It was all fun and games when you reached out your hand, little girls for the taken. Oh, you was mis.... Understanding?
    But I've always believed, 'If the hill doesn't come to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the hill' listen baby girl, times up, we got some lessons to give!!
    Original by PR_Destiny_Des
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