EVENT Orientation Navigation

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. What stats are the avis you get from the pamphlet story?
  2. 53%/19% for feminine and 19%/53% for masculine
  3. I've got timer boxes after i opened that one😫 as i said, one of my club members said it to me and i gave a try for it.
  4. Do you get to choose another club once you've completed your club's story
  5. Photographer is 40% Strength 35% for me...
  6. That's odd. I have animation and those are the stats displaying for me in the cell phone. I have SS of it in the Stories Tiers and Rewards thread.
  7. Yes, but you need to wait a few days first. Also, you will not be able to get the club avi for that club ー you only get it for the 1st club you join.
  8. Wondering if you complete if u get all the Avi's or is it Just the first set you pick🙈
  9. Just the first set, as it says in the original post.
    Ang likes this.
  10. What club does what party in order to get ze pamplets ? Anyone can guide me 😂
  11. If there weren’t trash hunts we wouldn’t have furni to recycle 😬
  12. I don't really lke this hunt, every club are focused on the pamphlets quest and aren't doing POTD for the other quest. I think im going to give up with this hunt. I don't have the energy to deal with it.
  13. So true, my club is having problem with this. Club prez decided not to do POTD
  14. Yes
  15. Way to screw people over eat.
  16. Ata wow gg auto correct
  17. What the Eat
    Muschi likes this.
  18. Do you get to pick a new club right away? The original post is unclear if I’ll just have a couple days of downtime or not
    Bellissima likes this.
  19. yes