What, according to u, is the biggest scam ever?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheCatLady, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. My answer is currency and debunking of gold standard in 1970, what's yours?
    Angee likes this.
  2. My economy teacher described the entirety of The American Government as the “Biggest Scam in History”.
    Jihoon, Muschi, Butt and 2 others like this.
  3. Chibis for stat items is the biggest scam ever
  4. You have a great economics teacher. Lucky u
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  5. Yeah he was pretty chill
  6. Laugh
    Emily32340, WildBlueberry and Alexi like this.
  7. I think love isnt a scam, but a scam enabler for an elaborate scam that is life
    Alexi likes this.
  8. Everything is a scam at your deathbed
    WildBlueberry and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  9. Bitcoin.

    Say something. I double-dog dare you.
  10. Tell me how its a scam and ill prove you wrong. I double-dog dare you
    PapiLovesHisTequila likes this.
  11. Ill have to disagree
  12. This game is a scam😂
    Voseph, Butt and TheCatLady like this.
  13. Skam is a good show
  14. The Ponzi Scheme is a great one. A literal scam that the simplest of minds think of, but never done until Madoff.

    The GFC was fun too. The idiots who made the scam were part of the ones getting scammed.
  15. Never heard about GFC but the plot sounds interesting
  16. Global financial crisis
  17. Oh lol.
  18. I mean pyramid schemes are pretty scam-y, I almost got sucked into one myself