New Story Glitch?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Kryys, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. O hai.

    So idk if my app is just glitching or ATA did this on purpose, but is anyone else getting a new JD story? Something about an ice cream truck?


    Anyways, just realized this is my first thread (wowowow), sorry if it's plain asf 🌞
    Muschi likes this.
  2. It's either a new hunt or an idk
    -Khaos likes this.
  3. Seems like an accidental leak
  4. I was just about to post about this. I got it on my main and alt but nobody else in my club has reported getting it. Based on the message when you press the "i" button it seems to be the next hunt.
    -Khaos, Kryys and Bellissima like this.
  5. mine disappeared. try resetting app c:
  6. I reloaded the app, I still have it at least.
  7. Same here! I still have mine
  8. Most likely an accidental leak of new hunt
  9. It showed up on my main then disappeared when I closed the app. Haven’t seen it i my alt though.
  10. I did have it but when I closed the app and came back on it’s gone they’ve probably realeased it early by mistake
  11. No drops for it from POTD
  12. Looks like we might be getting a short hunt though 👀
  13. Awe, I was kind of hoping there'd be some 🌚
  14. Ooh tg I was starting to think my phone was being wonky