Hello guys! It’s time for another Goldfish Raffle! 💕 Up for Raffle this time is this hunts Countess’ Bathtub (goes in bed spot in dorm) HOW TO ENTER Send one (1) Crackers the Goldfish to my account via gifts (sorry for those of you who are silenced :/) Once you've sent your entry post "Entered" on this thread. (Please remember to do both or your entry will not be counted) (I’m NOT chasing anyone down this time for entries) I'm only counting one entry per person, so multiple entries are not allowed The winner will be chosen at the end of this current hunt and announced shortly after. (Winners are chosen based off of order of entry and by a random number generator) Tldr: send me a goldfish, comment entered, have a chance win. Please wall me with any questions regarding this raffle. Good luck everyone! Ilya ~La💕
CURRENT ENTRIES 1.) -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__- 2.) Maddi_Matsu 3.) Kryys 4.) Moschino 5.) Graceloveland 6.) 010010100110000101111001 7.) -Venlafaxninarra- 8.) Satire 9.) SweetGummyBear 10.) alcohol 11.) moonlight- 12.) Foxy_Lady463 13.) Nishiki 14.) Hzara