the A.D Princess (Sigh -up)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Fashionista2, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. I need:
    3-popular girls(I need ur position in power)
    2-best friends
    1-A.D Princess
    2-A.D princess Best friends
    2-boy crushes
    1-evil villain
    3-ghost of A.D Princess
  2. Princess
    Dani Wilks
    any age u need
    red hair, blue eyes, thin, pale skin
    wears jeans with graphic tees and sneakers
    witty, sarcastic, hot-headed, nice to people she knows, rebellious

    tell me if u need anything else!!!
  3. Thanks for signing up
  4. Ghost of princess

    Was blonde and had amber eyes
    Whatever age she died
    Had a sweet personality an now haunts everywhere.
    Black leggings, black dress
  5. Princess best friend please
  6. Name: lee cruise
    Age: ?
    Personality: sweet and nice and outgoing. She's a sunshine personality
    Looks: light brown curly hair and brown eyes. Fair skined. Blushes easily.
    Wears Alot of short bottoms with tights underneath and lots of accessories
  7. Thanks for signing up
  8. Luka
    Age:? Whatever you need.
    Looks:long wavy russet hair that turns red in sunlight. Grey blue eyes that resemble the ocean during a storm. She has a toned fit body. Wears mostly red and black.

    Personality:she can have whatever personality you want her to have.

    Popular girl. Rank of power: the highest
  9. Thank u for signing up
  10. Name: Draco Malfoy
    Age: whatever you need
    Role: Villain
    Description: Draco is blonde and evil. Like, really evil. And he's blonde
  11. Yay I love Harry potter movies
  12. Lol sorry got cut off
    Description continued:He is short compared to other people (of his age) and has blonde hair.
  13. If you need more;
    Draco Lucius Malfoy (b. 5 June, 1980) is a pure-blood wizard and the only son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Draco is tall and slender, with sleek, shimmering, silver blond hair and cold, light grey eyes. He has a pale complexion and rather sharp, pointed features. Draco was, in general, an arrogant, snide, elitist bully.