Choose My Status [Contest]

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Lala-Land, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. Hiya Guys! I haven’t been able to set a status message I really like yet, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out. 😓

    Basically the contest is you picking out my status, best one (in my personal opinion) wins.

    1.) As with most thingys I do, only one entry allowed PER PERSON. So no usage of alts allowed blah blah blah.
    2.) It has to be appropriate (so no sexism, racism, homophobia, or sexually explicit messages allowed)
    3.) Has to follow TOU guidelines (so no like personal info [mine or yours])
    4.) Be nice. I’m sensitive.

    Uhhhhh I think that’s it...


    (Duh how could I forget)
    There’s gonna be 1 True winner and then 3 runner up

    The Winner will receive the “Peacock Rangoli” 499 and 3 bentos

    Each of the runner ups will receive a bento each

    Contest ends August 16 at 12AM EST

    At that point a SEPERATE thread will be made announcing the winners and runners up and prizes will be given out

    Anywayyysssss sorry for a messily thrown together thread. Good luck to everyone!

  2. “Always stay humble and kind ❤️”
  3. 🏅🐠👸
  4. A status is usually supposed to shed some light onto your character imo so I’ll need more information for me to even have the slightest idea 🤷🏻‍♀️ All I can think of rn is stuff I’d most likely use but my messages tend to be too dark/deep and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that 🌚
  5. Put a single space in the status to have a blank one. I do it sometimes when I don't feel like having a status.
    Toad likes this.
  6. "I'm almost always in Lala-Land"
    Toad likes this.
  7. "I am lightning the rain transformed"
  8. I never knew this, thank you for enlightening me.
    Marigold, Noonz and Muschi like this.
  9. Ur welcome. ❤
  10. “We took a hard left, but we’re alright. The house don’t fall when the bones are good.”
  11. My dude you could literally just put emojis... For free
    -Noob-With-Boobs- likes this.
  12. [​IMG]
    BE BRAVE. Even if you’re not, pretend to be.🐠
  13. Creeper. Aw maaaaaaaaan 🌝
    GodTierOni likes this.
  14. ~ Look in somebody’s eyes to light up the skies 🌌✨💫 ~
  15. "i am a Masterpiece of my own world, imperfect yet bold"
    xFoxyLady likes this.
  16. I dunno and I don't care 🤭😂
  17. "When you realize it's only Tuesday and you cant even remember what happend on Monday"

    Shorter version: "When you realize it's only Tuesday and you cant even remember Monday"
  18. I'm a bad guy, duh
  19. A little bumpity bump