
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Voseph, Aug 9, 2019.

  1. i'm new to forums pls welcome me
    Alicia likes this.
  2. angry response !!!
  3. Welcome to forums. Go vegan.
    Voseph likes this.
  4. I like duckies.
    Buwbuw, Skylar2018 and Voseph like this.
  5. sorry ur invalid bc you are not a "new member", pls get to the back of the line w/ us well-knowns
    Alicia, Voseph and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  6. hi rice
    Voseph likes this.
  7. I wish I was validated as a well-known member.
    Buwbuw, Kefo, Skylar2018 and 2 others like this.
  8. srry member u can't sit with us
    Voseph likes this.
  9. Then again, I wish for 2016 forumers to make a comeback D: but that’s never happening either.
    Buwbuw, Voseph and Muschi like this.
  10. Welcome 🥺
    Voseph likes this.
  11. Jopo pops in from time to time to grace us with his presence. ❤
    Voseph likes this.
  12. Jopo was 2014-2015 era. But he was hilarious.
    Buwbuw and Muschi like this.
  13. Donut tell me I'm wrong, ur ruining my forums-veteran disguise :(
  14. 😂 don’t worry. I guarantee nobody cares about how long you’ve been on forums.
    Buwbuw and Muschi like this.
  15. Welcome. But I’m not sure if im allowed to welcome you when i’m, myself, new to forums lol
  16. does my title say member or well-known member 🥺
  17. Member get 150 likes and you can be a well-known member
    -Noob-With-Boobs- and Buwbuw like this.
  18. I (and others) just got told in a thread that my opinion didn't matter because I didn't have "New member" under my ign. Same diff 😭
  19. every1 like my comments so i can fit in or i'm organizing a riot
  20. i'll sell u likes for 1 bento per like. issa bargain!
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.