‼️‼️MERC GUIDE‼️‼️

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by __Cece__, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. This is the reason new players get turned off from even posting on the forum. Like people will literally tell you to delete your account because you posted a thread on a topic that already exists.
    BenSolo likes this.
  2. Don’t ruin your own guide by arguing with them here... (Hint: make another thread to trigger people and draw them there). Just take their suggestions (at least the ones that are helpful) and make changes to your post to make it more accurate. I personally think mercing is about being free to move about the game how you want when you want... but I enjoyed reading your take on it.
  3. I don't think anyone is triggered. I think they're just helping you to make sure your guide is the most accessible it can be, and part of that is by using language that is more widely accepted on PIMD!

    Your guide is still very well done, and I love the BB coding you did on it; it looks very clean and organized. Everyone that posts guides (and other threads) will receive some community feedback, and it is important to learn how to take that criticism ー or even just to ignore comments that are outright mean and not constructive at all.

    I think you can incorporate the corrections people have provided to you by requesting a moderator update the thread. This isn't a personal attack on you, either; I have gotten corrections on guides I have posted and have witnessed it on other threads. To help stop this, if it isn't something you can learn to handle, I suggest sending your guide to a few friends or even moderators to have them proofread beforehand and offer suggestions in private.
  4. I love it when the party fairy's get triggered:)
    morticia and __Cece__ like this.
  5. Your guide is awesome ❤❤
    __Cece__ likes this.
  6. Yes! It helped me alot to understand
    __Cece__ likes this.