I cannot draw. Instead, I'll give you my very late submission of a very last-minute story. I haven't read through all the stories, so I hope this hasn't been done yet. It won't be exactly about the devs, but it'll include them, and even be set in the PIMD devs world. skip to paragraph 7 for the good parts devs Ahem. One night, there was a boy named Rice Vo. He was very tall, and very handsome. Standing at a solid 6'5", he got onto his favorite mobile app of all time, Party in my Dorm. His deep brown eyes nearly lit up as the loading screen flashed at him. Fireworks blew up on his screen for a split second before the "CAMPUS BUZZ" banners appeared. His eyes immediately drew to the **Dream Dev** banner. "AYEE" he screamed at his space gray iPhone XS. He tapped the CLOSE button at the bottom of the screen to enter his home screen. Making his way to the new and improved, although slightly buggy when can players use more than 50 images in one post again forums that the PimD developers implemented, he quickly found the new thread in the "Events" section. He skimmed through the information and sighed. The boy couldn't draw. Stick figures were the best he could do at peak creativity. His patience to write a story was down the drain. How in the world could his story compare to other's stories, and the entries of art? He gave up and wished all the other players who were all magnificent artists and writers good luck and closed forums. He decided to continue on his quest to collecting the new onigiri plushy item that had come out with the new hunt. He was ecstatic. He yelled over and over, "🍙BUYING ONIGIRI PLUSHIES FOR 3C🍙" hoping to catch people who were willing to let go of their misc. Of course, he didn't post the message more than 3 times in a 5 minute interval, as that would break the Terms of Use that the PimD developers created. Suddenly, he got a message from his friend Kiare. "i'm writing a story rn" the message said. Rice tilted his head to the side as physical question marks appeared above his head. He decided not to question it and asked "tell ur friends that rice needs his balls" as he giggled to himself. They made a little conversation before Kiare brought up her story again, "ANYWAYS I GOTTA WRITE A STORY FOR A CONTEST". He wished her good luck, and told her to let him proofread. A day or two passed i dont rly remember how many days passed and it was the night before the deadline. Rice was on his usual quest, gather onigiri plushies for 3c each. This time, he was including the newly implemented stickers that the very smart, very beautiful/handsome/gorgeous/cute developers had added. He yelled across both campus and pub "🍙BUYING ONIGIRI PLUSHIES 3C EACH🍙 🎉SELLING 4 PIMD STICKERS 8C🎉" Rice was excited! He had finally gotten to 30 plushies. His lifelong dream of collecting onigiri misc was being fulfilled. His beautiful, amazing, and most helpful mod/RS, Lusasa, was helping him. Praising him for collecting so many items so quickly and financially advising how much he should spend per onigiri plushy according to the supply and demand of the PimD community. He chatted in pub chat with a few other players before he saw Kiare in pub. He yelled across pub, "arent u supposed to be writing ur story?" Kiare quickly private messaged Rice and said "IM WORKING ON STORY". He laughed and quickly typed back "imma do a last minute story too to show u how fast it is to write a freakin story". Rice looked at the time. It was 2:39 AM CDT. Time was running out. And fast. He had to rush. Cackling at nearly every paragraph. He got towards the middle of the story and thought "I'm just going to bs the last half and include the devs praising me somewhere. That should make the story count as an entry, right?" After nearly an hour of hard work, and determination, the story was complete. He posted the story to the thread, and went to bed. His dreams that night were of getting an honorable mention at the very least. All the way up north in MooseSyrupLand, also known as Canada, some of the developers were still awake doing ....developer things, and saw the new entry. Marceline exclaimed, "WOOOOOWEE another entry, let's go look at this." She was nearly in tears of laughter two paragraphs through and decided that it was her favorite story by far. Not too far were [ATA]Strange and [ATA]Winston, who were being read the story by [ATA]Jean. Jean, covered from head to toe in jeans mumbled, "dis storry... is fantasbtic." Winston, who's Primal Rage was ready to be unleashed, dropped his peanut butter jar in sheer awe and had no words to explain the peculiar story. Strange looked up from his misc calculations that he had run for the 7,863rd time, and yelled "HOLY SMOKES THIS STORY IS AWESOME." The other developers, Luce, Loki, Maeve, Wanda, Zelda, Rogers, and Claptrap had woken up at the same time, from the sheer power the story had awaken within them. They ran/drove/biked/ride shared their way to the A Thinking Ape headquarters were all 11 developers unanimously decided to hold a meeting. They whispered amongst themselves with many nods, and very little disagreements... Rice had woken up after the deadline. He woke up earlier. He had just taken a nap. Buying onigiri plushies for 3c each is hard work you know. The winners were announced. He scrolled for his name in the winners list. He didn't make it. He got disqualified for not making the story solely about the developers ): Rice typed to his fellow pimd players, "Congratulations to those that won! It was well-deserved." and exited the thread. He noticed a little red symbol at the top right of his phone. He tapped it. Somebody liked his entry.. and another person, and another, and another, and... "WOAH I GOT 69,420,696 likes on my entry! Does that mean I'm, like, PimD famous now?" Rice pressed the new convient X that was added to the new amazing, beautiful, forum layout and clicked pub chat. He hesitated for a moment. The chat scrolled by of people selling their dorms of only wallpapers and above desks, and of the usual roleplayers. He slowly pasted to his text bubble, " 🍙BUYING ONIGIRI PLUSHIES 3C EACH🍙" and posted it. His app crashed. He sighed very loudly and restarted his game. He opened the app, and his phone buzzed at him. New notifications. A scorching red "99+" burned at Rice, showing him he had many wall posts to read. He tapped the notification to remove the notification badge. Rice's eyes widened. He had 99+ gifts. He was shaking at this point, praying that it was onigiri plushies that he would buy for 3c each. He opened his gift tabs, and they were all "You Tried!" gifts. R.I.P 😔🤙🏻 Names have been changed for privacy
Winny was my fave Dev, keep being awesome and all ATA Devs are awesome too here you go Winny snacking on some peanut made by momma
http://i.imgur.com/FYiZa5n.jpg" style="max-width: 100%;" /> [ATA]Marceline: Uhmmm what? Wait Im not done chewing this maybe later k? Hahahaha I love you ATA Marceline 🤗🤗🤗
I tried my best for this. Bases were used to create the lineart (as I can't proportion right) Fanart of [ATA] Strange I wanted to make a short comic on [ATA] Strange trying to make a basket but ultimately missing again. I'll link where I posted the drawings on imgur down below: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/BrZMeoz Proof the drawing I posted is my artwork. The other drawings in the shared link are not posted due to copying of others drawings to much. I got the idea from a basketball anime if it looks familiar (this is super rushed and posted late but pls enjoy my artwork)