Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATARogers, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Wonderful work luv ♡ ●~●
  2. This is my fav so far! 😍

    Honestly was going to submit a drawing of my own but now I feel ashamed seeing all these great drawings

    (and i haven't even drawn anything yet)
    -Stella-5 likes this.
  3. Try it its fun 🤣🤣 I did mine even tho there is 0% chance of winning 😢
    Kryys likes this.

  4. Reverse image searched, easily found. Try harder next time[​IMG]
  5. Don't loose hope sweetheart you might make it... who knows ;)
  6. Oof :c
    _IAlien_Hate_Pizza_ and Charmed like this.
  7. Okay looked for yours and that's no 0% chance omg it's pretty asf ;_;
  8. Where to enter name for participation?
  9. I think you're just supposed to submit your drawing here with your ign included in it
  10. There's something about "Marceline"
    Ramsay likes this.
  11. [​IMG]
    drawing in the car ftw
  12. [​IMG]?¿
    I_Kitty_I, R0ach, Chynna and 13 others like this.
  13. [​IMG]
    Link to drawing incase it don't work
    -YourAngelicDeathDoc_ likes this.

  14. Well no one said I can't draw by taking inspiration from somewhere 💁‍♀️
    Charmed and Buwbuw like this.
  15." style="max-width: 100%;" />

    Tbh not good at it, just a try lol.
    Btw everyone did so amazing! :oops:
  16. [​IMG]
    Tbh not good at it, just a try.
    Btw everyone did so amazing !!
    Button, Green, -Stella-5 and 6 others like this.
  17. This seems fake too🤔
    Muschi and -PA_KaramelApples- like this.
  18. i mean obviously you’re a good artist lmao, is it that hard to be unique and not submit recycled artwork 💁‍♀️
  19. [​IMG] Oof
    I_Kitty_I, R0ach, Button and 10 others like this.