Current mood

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -RoD-EdgyJessie, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. So y’all lately I’ve been feeling under the weather a lot which is usually nothing I tend to focus too much on but weirdly enough there’s always been this crazy headache that follows behind the feeling
  2. Are you wearing perscribed glasses?
  3. Yes, but I don’t need to wear them all time though
  4. That might be the cause, if you're farsighted that is.
  5. I'd play fake doctor but that wouldn't help you very much m8. I suggest, if you're really worried, a visit to your local doctor. Either way I hope you feel better soon. Good luck bro.
  6. Go to a clinic
  7. Another reason why you have a headache is that you could be dehydrated. I know whenever I get bad headaches it’s because I’m either dehydrated of I’m hungry and blood sugar is low.

    But I’d take Wednesday’s suggestion and go to a doctor because the list of things that can cause headaches is long.
    Buwbuw and GodTierOni like this.
  8. What kind of headache is it tho?

    Nasal, ocular, etc.?

    I ain't had many headaches but they're usually ocular from straining my eyes like an idiot, or nasal as a result of being sick.

    You can feel where the headache is coming from to help self-diagnose.
  9. It’s mostly just around the sides of my head
  10. I usually get headaches like that if I get too lazy/forget to drink water during the day or sleep vv late :c
    Maybe try drinking more water and getting enough sleep?

    Hope you feel better soon!
    and yeah, if nothing works you should try visiting a doctor and not forums lol (unless anyone here's a doctor?)