Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATARogers, Jul 18, 2019.



    Hello again, miss me?


    Have you ever wondered what your team of legendary devs look like behind the screen? We are sure you have some idea and we are curious. This is your chance to express your creativity and flatter us silly.


    Pick your favourite dev(s).

    Draw them!

    Now, I understand that you may need something to go on, so I’ve asked my esteemed colleagues to each provide me a hint about themselves ;)

    Your PiMD devs, presented to you in alphabetical order:

    [ATA] Jean: “Yes, I DO in fact wear jeans a lot.”

    [ATA] Lowkey Loki: “Loki’s place is covered in plants and shiny rocks, they like drawing dinosaurs, rolling dice and hitting up the local goth scene for fun. Blanket forts of are a life style choice”

    [ATA] Luce: “Her side hobby is to throw seeds around, hopefully making the world a greener place.”

    [ATA] Maeve: "Who wants to play trivia"

    [ATA] Marceline: “Can’t talk, chewing,” –all the time, ever

    [ATA] Strange: “Once casually sank a shot from half court, pretending that it was no big deal. Then, hid from the basketball coach all year to avoid having to face the shame of being unable to ever do it again.”

    [ATA] Wanda: “#1 dad, doesn’t know who Cosmo is, just wants you to be happy.”

    [ATA] Winston: "Think basic, now think more basic."

    [ATA] Zelda: “The “nice” one. Weirdly obsessed with the occult.”

    Special mention: our latest addition to the PiMD team. You don't know him yet, but you'll want to! Check him out:
    [ATA] Claptrap: “Um… Where am I?”

    As for yours truly, [ATA] Rogers: "I like long walks on the beach and beautiful things; and if I’m lucky, long walks on the beach with beautiful things;)"


    I hope this gives you a clearer vision of the team, but if this confused you more, then I guess we’ll all have an even better laugh at the end of the day!


    Hey, we acknowledge that you may not necessarily want to DRAW us, so here’s the deal: you also have the option of writing a short piece of “Dev-fic” and we will certainly enjoy going through them together.


    Top pick: 5 PiMDCrates

    2nd pick: 4 PiMDCrates

    3rd pick: 3 PiMDCrates

    *Any additional prizes will be at our discretion.


    Start: Thursday, July 18, 2019
    End: Thursday, July 25, 2019 @ 5PM (PDT)

    That’s all from us. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

    See you all on the other side.

    R x
    #1 ATARogers, Jul 18, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
  2. @[ATA] Marceline seems like my kind of person. 😆😆

    Fun contest idea. Looking forward to seeing these entries. 👀
  3. If only I was good at drawing people and writing fanfic.

    -Teya, Buwbuw, MiniMinx and 2 others like this.
  4. I saw your art. I bet you could do it
  5. Ehhhhh I’m bad without a reference. Maybe if it was draw their favorite item or something.
    MiniMinx, GodTierOni, Sylvina and 2 others like this.
  6. I have never had a single encounter with any of you but YOLO.
  7. Hella relate to Winston
  9. I'm actually excited. (If you couldn't tell from my fanta bottle drawing suggestion) I've been looking for a drawing idea and I'm ready 😂
    Kailanie and Sylvina like this.
  10. Claptrap is already my fave.
    -Teya, HttpLibby, Rhamnousia and 10 others like this.
  11. I'm already friends with Claptrap, do I auto-win?
  12. Who is claptrap
  13. Claptrap's First Day

    Claptrap slowly opens his eyes. A dull ache thumps inside his head as his eyes adjust to the harsh light.

    "Where I am?" He mutters, vision still bleary. He rubs his eyes again, and slowly his surrounding come into focus. "An office?" He blinks again, and a pair of blue jeans comes into focus.

    Claptrap looks up, meeting eyes with Jean.

    She has her arms crossed, and is glaring down at him. "This is the last time I let Zelda handle getting new employees settled in." She sighs, and extends a hand out to Claptrap. He accepts, and she helps him stand up. "Looks like she was practicing summoning spells again. She's been in one of those Wiccan occult phases for a bit now. I promise, next time you can use the elevator to get to this floor."

    "I don't even remember who Zelda is." Claptrap replies.

    Jean offers a small smile. "You must have hit your head. Those summoning spells are still a bit wonky. She hasn't really gotten them down yet. Don't tell her I said that." She gestures and adds, "Follow me; you should meet the other devs."

    She leads him over to a trio of people sitting around a table, chattering amicably. As Jean and Claptrap approach, the trio quiets down and look expectantly at them.

    "This is Claptrap." Jean begins. "Claptrap, this is Marcie and Wanda..." She gestures first to a woman that is in the middle of chewing, who gives a small wave, and then to another person that is drinking out of a mug labeled "#1 Dad".

    "Hello," Claptrap says.

    "... and Winston..." Jean finishes and points to a stick figure.

    "Why are you a stick figure?" Claptrap asks.

    Winston answers, "Because you can't get any more basic than this." Marce and Wanda nod knowingly.

    Jean smiles at Claptrap. "What do you think of them so far?"

    "Still a little rattled by this Zelda character, and very puzzled over Winston being a stick figure."

    "Winston's stick-iness a very important detail that can't be glossed over." Jean responds matter-of-factly. "But I understand if you need a moment or two before meeting the rest of the team."

    Claptrap rubs his temples. "And a lot of caffeine."

    "Well, what do you think is in this mug?" Wanda chimes in with a wink. "You need it to deal with this rag-tag bunch."

    Claptrap feels no more at ease than before. Will he be able to adjust to this... or will he pull a Strange and hide in the office for the remainder of the day out of shame for wanting to quit?

    Stayed tune.

    /End Scene
  14. O gosh that is riddled with typos. We'll just ignore those
    _DEMIDEVIL_ and BabySatan like this.
  15. How fun!
  16. my time to go in
  17. And hour later and I've given up on my drawing. Was fun while it lasted. I dunno how you devs do it.
    Faces are hard
    -Teya, -_Seraphina_-, Sansa and 4 others like this.
    BabySatan likes this.
  19. Girl I'm so bad at writing 😭 I'll try and think of something
    MRdreamboy2, BabySatan and Muschi like this.