How Cute Am I

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KoalaTKush, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. What the actual hell is that thing
    omjeee, sam1943 and -Noob-With-Boobs- like this.
  2. A kinkajou or honeybear
    omjeee likes this.
  3. Cute as fΓΉck
    omjeee likes this.
  4. O wow that's a long tongue. just curious, what do they eat btw?
  5. its sooo cute!!❀️

    it kinda looks like my shaved shih tzu puppy
    omjeee likes this.
  6. Fruits, nectars, some vegetation, insects, eggs, frogs, and blossoms. Their tongue is 7 inches long
    omjeee and Kryys like this.
  7. I wish my tongue was 7 inches long.
    Rizky, Alan, BenSolo and 2 others like this.
  8. The tongue game is strong with this one. Looks like a strawberry rollup.
    omjeee likes this.
  10. [​IMG]

    My name is Liling
    omjeee, RoseMilkTea, Rizky and 4 others like this.
  11. It's so stinking adorable!! 😍
  12. she is I got pics when she was 48hrs old
    Victoria likes this.
  13. Please post 😍
  14. [​IMG] The binturong's a curious animal, and looks something like a cross between a raccoon and a teddy bear, But one of its most striking features is what it smells like.... Hot buttered POPCORN! Their urine contains the chemical 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, or 2-AP, the same compound that gives popcorn its tantalizing scent.
  15. Look at its little feets! 😍