
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hookah, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. Slugs are just homeless snails.
    PapiLovesHisTequila and Manic like this.
  2. And they’re delicious
    I mean 🌚
  3. I think there needs to be a “Pointless” category for forums.
  4. Bruh 2 tru and liek a muffin is just a cupcake but with no frosting
  5. It's Gary when he goes out of his house
  6. You wildin. Cupcakes are fluffier and lighter than muffins. But when you bite into a moving slug and a moving snail you get the same hard squish aight.
  7. I could feel the textures of this comment.
  8. Snails are softer than slugs, you charlatan.
  9. I think you mean, Jerry.