Jessie’s thoughts 3/3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -RoD-EdgyJessie, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. I honestly miss having black and red hair
  2. Such an exciting read, bruh, can't wait for part 4/4. Such fascinating thoughts.
  3. Been here since Jessie’s thoughts 1/3. Love the series!
  4. Tbh I’m just posting the bs that pops in my head man
  5. Then make a whole entire “Jessie’s Thoughts” thread dude
    Then you can post all of them on there and keep forums neat and organized
  6. I be goofing up the whole forums smh
  7. Yes
  8. Forgive me father for I have sinned 💔
  9. We’re all sinners my child
  10. Teach me how to be a popular thread member 🌚
  11. By not making dumb pointless threads
  12. [​IMG]
  13. You sure have a lot of thoughts you wanna share
  14. It happens a lot
  15. Brain activity is not required in forums but appreciated in doses
  16. All I wanted was to have my name as ign but nah 💀
  17. You could take JESSlE if you're good with all caps. Lowercase L instead of i👌🏻
  18. That’s actually a good idea tbh
  19. Oof sister sister
  20. These and Wednesday’s sporadic before going to sleep threads are my favorite.
    MiniMinx, GodTierOni and Sherily like this.