A *Great* New Way to Earn ECs!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. All offers decreased it's rewards today, does this have something to do with alexa subscription? I have some offers waiting for validation. Will my rewards decrease?
    JeIIybean and CandyFlosser303 like this.
  2. Same for months
    Marz and JeIIybean like this.
  3. Where are the game offers ? I use to have them then they disappeared...now I have those lame offers where I have to spend cash..If I had cash then I’d just buy EC ?
    Missio, Denji10 and JeIIybean like this.
  4. Offers that never update ?
    Missio, Denji10 and CandyFlosser303 like this.
  5. I have just offers that I have to pay a looot for, so not really a great way to earn ECs
  6. Also same
    JeIIybean likes this.
  7. I completed the damn game to get a castle to level 14 for 300+ECs and nothing.. it worked with other games but yet not this one
  8. Message fyber and ask.The deal may have expired
  9. Earn “Free ecs”. False advertising.
    JeIIybean likes this.
  10. The offers suck booty cheeks but I’ll say A- for effort
  11. I had free offers until I spent money on an offer.. now I get no more free offers! Pretty annoyed. Messaged PIMD Support and they told me to contact the offer wall company.. ughh..

    Still haven’t gotten free offers since I spent money on one.
  12. The offer thing is totally empty lol. No offer
    Missio likes this.
  13. All the “free offers” disappeared and now you have to spend money on another game or smth to get these “free ecs”, it’s been going on for months and I hope I’m not the only one. What do we do if we contact Fyber? Tell them the free ec offers aren’t really free?
    Lime, Josie-Saltzman, Cal24 and 3 others like this.
  14. my opinion fyber is terrible and they should have tapjoy instead!
  15. ECS never sent to my account :(
  16. Most of mine are you have to buy something. Also "for new users only" because I completed something or had the game installed before. They need to add new games and stuff. If you are completing stuff they are really good at crediting you. I had to email them a few times and send screen shots proving that I completed it and not long after I was credited. Don't forget you have to finish some in a certain time period.
    Deniz436 likes this.
  17. It won't even let me click into the free ecs
    6NaeTasteSweet9 likes this.
  18. I know this isn't ATA's fault but all my offers are now "MAKE A PURCHASE!" and I don't get actually free offers anymore. There used to be when the wall first came out but everybody is out for money now. 🙄 no I'm not spending 5 dollars on a game I don't care about for 200 ec on this game, so please don't say it.
  19. AvvePfX2lpUj1Qz_Ye