Do better

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BANX, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. Where’d the friendly comments go? Where’s the people who are actually nice without having to be friends with the person? When did PIMD become a place where you can’t even have an idea without being insulted by the majority of the community? It’s like being nice is a bad thing and being an emotionless robot is the new norm. It’s really hard to be a nice person in a game filled with people who’s main goal is to make you feel less about yourself.
    The people y’all worship are BULLIES.
    Do I have to be an ass to make people like me? Because thats all I’ve seen. Good people get treated like garbage and rude people become MODS.

    Do better PIMD community

    And before y’all come for me, no I haven’t been bullied, for what I can tell atleast, but everyday I watch someone else get bullied without provocation and I don’t understand why 🤷🏽‍♀️
    Panda and Cheeky_Niyla like this.
  2. Then this post isn’t for you 🌸❤️
  3. I took that to heart...
  4. Smh.. I thought you were better than that.
  5. agreed! i think we all can make pimd a warmer and friendlier place if we try to be nicer to each other.
  6. I’m mean. Since when have I not shown that?
  7. Why does it bother you what other people do on the internet? lol
  8. Why does it bother me that an app that I’m frequently on is filled with people like you whose main goal is to make people feel bad? If you don’t see the problem you’re part of it. Do better.
  9. I didn’t know my goal was to make people feel bad about themselves 😂
    Y’all too damn sensitive nowadays. Do better!
  10. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but that's just how humans in general are. It doesn't matter if you're on the internet or face to face. You can't change how other people act but you can always continue being nice yourself with the hopes that others will pass it on.
  11. I am rude and nice in the same time so in what category am I?
  12. Human
    DanieIIa and Muschi like this.
  13. fùck off
    DarthMaul likes this.
  14. The category that I like. 💕
    Ade likes this.
  15. Oh, that's a good category 🌚💕
    PapiLovesHisTequila likes this.
  16. I think this kind of person exists everywhere though unfortunately.
  17. You’re the bully 😔
  18. Honestly, I was supportive of ur mix tape ,but I gave feed back like I need a beat or link.

    But for the ppl being rude for no reason just ignore them because it’s irrelevant they are probably bored with their lives or their parents didn’t raise them right. Or you got the other half of the players who say rude things as a joke so try not to be too sensitive about it...

    All u need to care about is ur grind 😊. No one can stop that, but you.
    Gekko, -Sodagirl-, Ade and 2 others like this.