
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wesday, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. I just went on a date with a white supremacist and am confused af
  2. Damn dating a president, you’ve made it
    Muschi, Sirrracha, Manic and 2 others like this.
  3. Fr tho
  4. Wait how’d you know he was a white supremacist
  5. Probably same way u know someones a vegan....they let u know each and every second u talk!!
    Muschi and Sirrracha like this.
  6. She* openly told me, it was weird. We were very drunk. I mentioned I was kinda centrist instead of full left and then she opened up way too much
    Muschi and Alicia like this.
  7. did it go down like this?:

    Wednesday : mmm I like the pasta

    Her : Yea same btw I hate black people
    Muschi, Sherily, lovespurple and 3 others like this.
  8. Ahaha you're so stupid
  9. Basically
  10. People talk about politics on dates?
    Dating sure became complex
    Sirrracha likes this.
  11. Fr. Was unexpected af I just wanted drinks
  12. Also I just broke my favourite purse. Am sad. And a random stranger ate half my pizza but o well. Gn.
  13. She: I'm a white supremacist
    You: Is that a new drink?
    Muschi, RoseMilkTea and Wesday like this.
  14. You don't even know. That's basically how our convos went down and then she wanted to buy cigars and I went w her and then I ditched her and went and got pizza at my workplace and went home
  15. Well im right so....😂💁🏻‍♀️
  16. If you say so. You're also the idiot who thinks Ariel can't be black sooooo
    Muschi and Ciara like this.
  17. Wow okay smartass, i would feel the same way if they tried making Tiana white....go feel good about urself
    WiIIow likes this.
  18. Want me to introduce you to my date, tho? You guys would probably get along, don't worry bb I gotchu
  19. U need to learn how to read 😂
    Looks like my last post just flew over ur thick skull
  20. Woah I was just looking out for you and your kkk ways, my bad.