Likes, Camera, ACTION!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Seriously, Jul 3, 2019.


Should Forums keep the “Like” button?

  1. Yes

    22 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. Should ATA keep the “Likes” system in Forums? Comment your opinions below.

    If you’d like to hear my opinion continue reading.

    It’s nice to have them, but at the same time the Likes Apocalypse is starting. What I mean by that is a member has already made threads stating to like their thread. I get you get a different name under your ign (Well-Known Member, etc.) but it’s unhealthy for our Forums. We started with the number of posts, now we’ve moved on to comments. Quite frankly, I’m not liking it too much. That is all.
  2. 🤷🏻‍♀️eh. They do them. I'm enjoying watching my likes grow organically myself. And I like the option of liking a post, letting the poster know you saw and 'liked it' for whatever without having to use words.
    Pat, Roleplay, Meanie and 3 others like this.
  3. This is probably the closest thing to social media I have. Just not as toxic. Yet. On that note, I could careless about the likes. But I appreciate the likes.
    Roleplay and Victoria like this.
  4. I mean, it’s already a thing. No point in going back now regardless of if we like it or not.
  5. eh i think it’s okay.. it’s harmless if ppl are asking for likes but i agree that it will get annoying once many ppl start following
  6. Honestly when has Forums ever been “healthy”
    Olivia, Cindyrela, Judgy and 4 others like this.
  7. I assume ATA will eventually regulate this more if and when it becomes an issue.
    Muschi likes this.
  8. I like the Like system, for the reasons @Victoria stated. I just think ATA needs to adjust it's FCoC accordingly to reflect the new forums (and not just because of the addition of Likes).
    Victoria likes this.
  9. I like the bew “like” system because its nice to know and show people that the comment received support.

    However the # of likes to determine the “well-known, active members, etc” is definitely going to be abused by people (example mr. x)

    But tbh utterly honest, just focus on having fun in forums 😎✌️
    lovespurple and Muschi like this.
  10. i do like this, maybe the whole thing could be solved by removing the leaderboard, forums shouldn't have a leaderboard tbh, it isnt a contest
    Voseph, Cindyrela, Judgy and 3 others like this.
  11. I agree. Half the most posts lb are accounts that no longer exist. 🙃 I could see a moderators and admin list, but a lb is not necessary.
  12. Agreed. I thought it was interesting to find out who had the most posts, just out of curiosity, but even that person is inactive now. The staff "leaderboard" even includes @pimd_admin on it. All of ATA + the mods should be on there.
    lovespurple and Victoria like this.
  13. Leaderboard? 👀
  14. Gimme Likes Ty 🥺
    Buwbuw, Judgy and DEPRESSlON like this.
  15. I’m in agreement with this for sure.

    I was personally expecting to see a list of moderators or at least devs.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Yikes, missy. I'm not abusing anything. It's all 100% farm-fresh organic
  17. Sounds like you're salty after you asked for likes and no one gave it to you. Feelsbad
  18. So u legit farmed for likes 🙃
  19. Whatever floats your boat my dude.