Updated PIMD Statistic Sheet

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Tsch, Jul 1, 2019.

  1. The pay is iight
    Kaho likes this.
  2. Dang thats good
  3. Cause I take your cats ;)
    Tsch likes this.
  4. Haha I haven’t even paid you in cats yet! 🤣 you owe me one
    Kaho likes this.
  5. Hey 💕😌 here to support this amazing idea for planning ahead. For upgrading
    Tsch likes this.
  6. Hey guys! If you know anyone that needs help with growing, send them to this thread, or send them my way! I don’t mind helping. I want to see everyone grow and prosper ♥️ love you all
    Kaho likes this.
  7. You are amazing Tsch thanks for info Chick🌹
    Tsch likes this.
  8. A lot of reading . And I’m lazy plus I’m at work. I’ll read it later bb ❤️
    Tsch likes this.
  9. Thank you for posting!! We all really appreciate you taking time out of your day to do this for us! This is really useful 💕
    Tsch likes this.
  10. Thank you pub! Love ya girly ♥️
    Kaho likes this.
  11. Thank you my pup! ♥️ I really appreciate it!
    Kaho likes this.
  12. If you guys need help with the math, feel free to hit me or KingKrazy up!
    Kaho likes this.
  13. Hey y’all! I’ve noticed an error within the T7’s Bacon guy’s strength. I recently upgraded, and my strength was off by 2. Possibly a error on one of the guides that I was reading, but I will fix the issue and contact ATA to see if I could get the correct numbers for the T7’s. Thank you for your patience and hope you guys enjoy using the sheet! If you notice any errors in the numbers, feel free to let me or KingKrazy know 👏🏼
    Kaho and Kefo like this.
  14. Yus. Seems to be a trend with a few tiers.
    Tsch likes this.
  15. ATA got back with me and basically said, “that t7 dormmates' bonuses depend on which dormmate they are (in terms of STR/INT ratio) and may also be rounded off for display reasons, which if carried far enough could eventually explain the discrepancy you're seeing.” So the numbers are correct, in terms.
    Kaho likes this.
  16. That's it. There has often been a discrepancy between the raw stat gain and the influence to base stats.

    I suppose the people who originally tested their stats increaes were all going off of the increase to energy since base stats are rounded off anyway.
    So I've readjusted the base stats listed to match the corresponding raw stats.

    But some of them are still off-kilter.
  17. Here’s an example of how I do my math
    Updated format
    Cubo likes this.
  18. When do you start putting in t9? 👀

    I only put in up to 5 even-tiered dormies before starting on the next odd tier.
  19. Swapping 3 T7’s for 3 T8’s gives you more of a boost than 1 T9
  20. Just what I needed 😭💕
    Tsch likes this.