What is your favorite COLOR?

Discussion in 'Activities' started by DorasHeart, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Hot pink.
    Bc it’s pretty hard core being all girly but still blinds ya. Like me ok. I am hot pink
    Chillex likes this.
  2. Is clear a color?
  3. All shades of green!!! I don't really know why it's my favorite color. I just love it😍
  4. Omg I love Maroon ❤️
    Jaidah likes this.
  5. The blood of my enemies

    cause they're cool in the eyes ❤️
  7. Variations of black
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Pastel pink, mint, and black 😬
  9. My favorite color is light blue, because in studies it has proven to make others calm. It’s also a nice color
  10. Teal and Pink for no reason, they are just aesthetically pleasing to my eyes
  11. [​IMG]
    The colours of the wind because you can paint with them and they sound fancy like something one them real posh people have at restronts.
    Offthewall and QueenDaisyMayzie like this.
  12. I bet y'all could never guess mine 🙃 😆
    LunaRavenGoddess likes this.
  13. I love orange. I'm not quiet sure why. I just think it's really pretty 😊
  14. Red. Cause of the Phillies
    Muschi likes this.
  15. Red. It’s bold, romantic, and a power color.
  16. I can’t differentiate colors well, but I think Red is pretty.
  17. Black, just like my heart

    No one better say "bLacK iSnT a ColOr iTs a shAdE"
  18. All Shades Of Blue :oops:
    Jaey and AniyaPapaya like this.