[29/6/19] New Layout in Forums!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Khalid, Jun 29, 2019.

  1. Time to add a third person to my ignore list
    Samerina likes this.
  2. I think the new layout looks p clean. This is what normal forums look like lol. Great that we can format shit easier now.

    Why did they delete the active threads tab tho. That was a really useful feature. Also, the UI isn't very intuitive. Watch thread is super small, hard to see. (There's a bug with the ... tab. It's transparent when you expand it.)
  3. im lost with forums
  4. *downvotes*
  5. I’m 50/50. I like changes, but not sudden ones with a huge shock. It’s kinda confusing navigating through. Although, it does look like this layout has a lot of potential, so here’s hoping.
  6. The change happened so fast, everything is too different. I can't say I like it, but it'll be easier to post codes and etc.
    God... Look how they massacred my boy.
  7. you can still view active threads! go to the main page and then tap/click “new posts” :)

  8. I- this is new, but as of now I'm not a fan.
  9. I like it. Tho its bit confusing just because its newly launched.. However i will be use to it i am sure :) overall nice representation and choice of colors ... 😍😍
  10. Someone add a dislike button
  11. Reported x2
  12. But I was on your side
    New forums, same betrayals
  13. Honestly!
  14. Reported x3

    No one is safe 👁👅👁
  15. Get this man a snickers
  16. I donut like this
    Samerina likes this.
  17. Chocolate is gross nty
  18. I would get so many dislikes, and some spaz opinions would get lots of likes but I guess that's just the way things are anyway.
  19. I- I’m Starting To Like This New Layout 🥺
  20. I like the added features, the simplicity of posting codes and the notifications. Watched threads and polls is definitely a favourite.

    Everyone will gradually figure forums out.
    Khalid, Pat and Kefo like this.