_OutKast VS The R3bel War Drama!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -RADEN_BagusIngarso-, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. Congratulation to both team for advancing to the FINAL!!!

    The Story of Under Dog
    There is interseting story about this war tournament, when a strategy, activity, and team work play a prominent factors to claim a victory! Those factors that made the under dog club keep crushing stronger club one after another. And who is this under dog? They are:

    The R3bels

    Being the weakest club in overall leaderboard, The R3bels emerged victorious after crushing the 2nd strongest team in this tournament. The Kinks

    The R3bels were overpowered!! Outnumbered!! But thanks to all members efforts they managed to win!


    The time has come, when the under dog must face their arc enemy! The Top Dog :

    _OutKast_ never let their guad down, always crushing their opponet without mercy!!!

    A strategy... activity... teamwork...

    _OutKast_ vs The R3bels

    Who will win this war tournament?


    Win a bento! Free entry!

    1. Post in this thread : Which team will win the final war between The R3bels vs _Outkast_ and the winning team plunder.
    2. One account one post
    3. The first one who post the correct answer or close* to the winning plunder will get the prize.
    *(not exceed the actual winning plunder)
    4. The raffle will be closed at Saturday when the war been initiated.
    Example: The _OutKast_, 100b plunder.
  2. I will win this war
    Screw you guys
  3. Congrats for Outkast and rebel... when the final war?
  4. OutKast is goin down!!!! Rebels will be victorious!! ??
  5. The Rebels - 270B
  7. My vote for OUTKAST ?
    sorry for my friends in rebels yoi were all good opponent yesterday though. And this is a 24hr war so im betting 1.2T score with a hundred billion gap? Thats my guess. But goodluck to both teams
  8. OutKast, $312b in plunder.
  9. question first – is this going to be a 24 hour war like suggested, or just another 6 hour one?
  10. Same. Anyone please answer...
  11. Guys are all off on a 24 hour war. Lol
  12. It’s a 24 hour war
  13. I am chaging lol thought it was 6h war

  14. I thought this was going to be real tea, I’m disappointed
  15. Nice job everyone!

    Imma go with Outkast with 1.18T
  16. I thought it was a 6 hour, too. $1.11t?
  17. Outkast, 900b plunder
  18. The Rebels-850b in plunder