A Client Broke Into My Work

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Muschi, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Do I still have a guess or do I have to wait?
  2. You have to wait.
  3. It's just the sous-chefs car tbh. Even when it's not his car and he drives his boyfriend's car, they still target the car that he drove. I swear, the homeless ppl have some beef with him. The funniest part about the car-napping is that the dude plead not guilty and now they have to go to court. We literally have it recorded on tape and somehow he was able to plead not guilty. (The sous-chef already got his car back and decontaminated and everything so I don't feel bad finding this story funny).
  4. It is not a[n]:
    • German Shepherd
    • Pomeranian
    • Yorkshire Terrier
    • Chihuahua
    • Pembroke Welsh Corgi
    • Poodle
    • Russell Terrier
    • Siberian Husky
    • Great Dane
    • Shih Tzu
    • English Bulldog
    • American Eskimo
    • Akita
    • Australian Shepherd
    • Afghan Hound
    • Hokkaido Dog
    • American Cocker Spaniel
    • English Mastiff
    • Old English Sheepdog
    • Appenzeller Sennenhund
    • Italian Greyhound
    • Irish Terrier
    • Airedale Terrier
    • Australian Terrier
    Hints available:
    1. The dog is a purebred, according to the AKC.
    2. The breed's name begins with a vowel.
    3. It is a part of the terrier group! (This may or may not mean it has the word "terrier" in the breed name ー be sure to check the breed's Standard page to see what group it is filed in.)
  5. American staffordshire terrier
  7. American Staffordshire Terrier
  8. Banned from game, no more guessing 4 u
  9. Damn that was my next guess
  10. i didn’t expect it to be this high in the terrier group List xD

    Thank you
  11. No fair. 
  12. No problem! The reason I made it a guessing game is because I figured it would be very difficult for people to guess that some extremely entitled woman had a pitbull-type dog. I was correct. :)
  13. She gave me that "I want to speak to your manager vibe" which is why yorkie was my first guess haha.
  14. I work at a public library and you wouldn’t BELIEVE the type of things that happen there. My favorite was that a homeless lady went up to the security guard to claim that someone had stolen her sandwich
  15. I work at a public library and you wouldn’t BELIEVE the type of things that happen there. My favorite was that a homeless lady went up to the security guard to claim that someone had stolen her sandwich if he saw who it was. (Mind you, our library is not responsible for lost material.) And he claims he did not, that he was on his rounds. So she comes downstairs. (We are SUPER busy like one person after the other and it’s near lunchtime, about 12-12:30ish) and comes downstairs and demands us to stop working and find out who took her sandwich. To check the security cameras. Us as employees do not have access to such things and refer her to the security guard who had already said we are not responsible for the lost sandwich and we would have to wait on our supervisor to give the go on the cameras. And now she turns to us and goes “I want to speak to your supervisor” who had already gone to lunch so we suggested she wait until they were back. Then she proceeds to call us racist and storms off. So, yeah. I have a lot more stories like that. It’s real surprising on what can happen in a public library.
  16. (we are gonna act like my first message didn’t go all wonky srry not sorry-)
  17. I am a nurse so when I worked in hospital I used to deal with A LOT of crazy people. I had people hiding bottles of vodka (we found like 12),family bringing alcohol/drugs to patients,family trying to get benefits from hospitals and for that trying to find reasons to sue the hospital but one of the worst was when family of a patient came at midnight on the ward,drunk and started to threaten the nurses and creating havock. They were pulled out by security,banned from the ward and could only join if they signed not to act like that again. Also,the same family caused such a massive scandal that their relative (my patient) was refused in care homes all around the country for 6 months. We had to beg care homes to take the patient because the hospital lost a fortune because of the useless time in there
  18. Almost guessed it first and shoulda known... Darn it. You threw me off with the vowel thing tbh haha
  19. I could not be paid enough to work in a public library. The filth and how easy it is to get bedbugs no ty