Sleeping together

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. I have a question for those of you who have a significant other (whether you consider yourselves boyfriend/girlfriend and everything in between or not).

    Do you sleep together? By together I mean like, cuddling.

    Do you start sweating profusely a few minutes in? Most couples break the bed in at night and sleep afterwards, arent you like already all sweaty and your body temperature is pretty high from all that cardio and you start sweating even more? Does your arm get tired and/or numb? Do you get kicked or slapped randomly throughout the night? Do you all of a sudden get smacked in the face with a ton of hair and have to spit it out?

    I personally cannot sleep with anyone that close, we have to be at least 3 feet apart because I like to spread out and I like my sheets cold. We typically sleep on opposite sides of the bed.

    So how do you sleep in the same bed with your S/O?
  2. Oof.. I will go into detail after work.
  3. A showerrr and like a reallllly good fan works wonders ?
  4. I hear some couples after like a good solid 5 years or so begin getting comfortable sleeping in separate rooms or beds. I’ve met a few different couples who do this also.

    I don’t think it’s wrong but I also think that sometimes people just need their space even if it means crashing in a spare bed ??‍♂️
  5. I am used to sleeping without anyone touching me or beside me, it's irritating at some point but I think it depends to the person you are with and when you get used to it.

    I still def want to sleep with nothing but pillows surrounding me.
  6. It depends on the person and the situation tbh.

    Let's say, you guys are ready to break the bed in and you do it to the point that you find it difficult (no pins in this post) to get up and do anything else after. Turn on a fan or open a window and call it a night. I shower the next day. Those wild nights.

    But.. then there's those days were I'm all conscious about the sweat and I have to change the sheets and stuff right after.

    I cuddle all the time but if I'm nervous cause I'm with a chick I really like I don't want to move at all in fear that she might not like me being in her personal space when she is sleeping. Gotta be aware of that.. breaking the bed is one thing, but interrupting sleep by moving too much or making contact is another. Almost by nature, i let them have most of the bed for themselves.. now if she takes my hand and places it somewhere on her body, I feel a little bit more comfortable. And I ask just to make sure if it's ok to move around and stuff.

    I've gotten kicked and hit so many times randomly throughout the night.. so many bruises haha.. or with hair all over my face and I have to wake up cause I'm having nightmares about not being able to breathe. But in all honesty, I find it cute that they move around at night.
    Just shows that they're trying to get comfortable and they look like angels.

    The only thing I can't stand is snoring lol.

    My body gets tired or numb whenever I take long breaks in between relationships cause my body gets all used to having a bed for myself.
  7. we get it you fùck
  8. We know you all bout that angry séx. ? Take it easy on me.
  9. Sometimes I do. I'm not usually a fan of it but my current gf is one of the few ppl I can fall asleep around. Usually I'll stay awake all night w insomnia if someone else is there
  10. I like to cuddle but not when I am trying to sleep.

    Cuddling when you are trying to sleep is like being in a hot, sweaty coffin.
  11. Someone nap with me for research purposes 
  12. I sleep on a mattress on the floor next to my husbands bed. 14 years together 5 years married and i no longer am comfortable cuddling him. Body heat sucks
  13. I am not alone bout hating body heat
  14. I love cuddling. We usually fall asleep cuddling. We both have arm injuries that bother us though and end up moving a lot during the night since they're on opposite sides (ofc...). One of us usually wakes the other up by trying to get back into cuddling position in the morning. We are sadly getting into the months were it'll be too hot to cuddle though. I love the heat, but man does he sweat and get all gross. ? ?

    My grandparents sleep on opposite sides of the house. :lol: Works for them ig.
    This past weekend we celebrated our 6 years, and sometimes my SO and I sleep in different rooms. The space can be nice. You don't just not fight over so long, lol.

  15. I turn the AC to full blast and still too hot in the sheets

  16. You dont have to get down and dirty to physically sleep together which is the whole point of this post

  17. Naps (like 2hrs max) I can do but not a full night's sleep
  18. I feel this.
    Full blast AC doesnt change anything when it's 100+°F outside all day ? It's too hot to even use sheets sometimes.
  19. “This is a queen sized bed. That means there’s just enough room for the Queen.” - Queen Latifah

    Seriously though, I need my space. It’s too hot for that nonsense and he has his own house. I don’t like people judging how I sleep anyway.