Anyone else super depressed??

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 33Grace33, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. Hahaha heyyyy, how are you is all well? BECAUSE NOTHING IS WELL FOR ME. Every waking moment of my life is sheer torture. My brain is constantly attacking me telling me how worthless I am and how stupid and ugly I am compared to everyone else even the most messed up person on this world. I cried until 4Am once for no aparente reason just because I hated myself that much and I was so sick of my life. I just CRAVE a break from being this messy shell of a person all the time. I hope I’m not alone in this.
  2. Do you speak Spanish?
  3. Si
  4. 
  5. Im afraid not, but I do have the ability of using google translate. Just conversation takes a lil loner when I do. Why?
  6. If you're upset all the time without cause you should consider asking a psychiatrist for medication and maybe doing cognitive therapy.
  7. If you wanna break from the messy shell, hatch like an egg and grow up

  8. o, I was just wondering coz you wrote "aparente" instead of "apparent" which is actually the Spanish word for it.
  9. *Sí
  10. *Ñoño
  11. Interesting imma take that new knowledge and claim I speak multiple languages now.
  12. Does that make you feel better?

  13. In the words of Dwight schrute “Absolutely it does.”
  14. i saved a life today
  15. You should be a motivational speaker
  16. Does that make you a hero?.....yes.

  17. Like Peter Popoff?
  18. Like Jesus.

    I'm sorry, I couldn't finish that video.