Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Bump ily and I wish you the best ️?
    AfterDark-Aphrodisiac and vPiXL like this.
  2. Simbacca? More like Chewbacca. Ha! I kid. I kid.
  3. Beautiful taboobs is the only reason I open this thread

  4. I dont really post much or take much selfies but i guess ill make an exception
  5. I like your shiny necklace Hand it over.
  6. Thanks lol
  7. You would have been a good RS if I didn't have one already lined up.
  8. :lol:

  9. I mean, I DO fly co-pilot for a space smuggler, so you ain't fully wrong
  10. Nice. How much space has been smuggled thus far?

  11. Not sure, it was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away
  12. Ion understand how to post a pic can someone help please ❣️
  13. Use imgbb tinypic or imgur sites, get the needed link and post here
  14. Bumped a thread that might help you : )
  15. Imgbb
  16. No bc I do the same
  17. Img bby
  18. You look warm let me steal your warmth, K thanks
  19. Maybe I should try harder at mastering the art of fake smiling in a selfie